Working To Save the Long Island Sound and Preserve Our Local Heritage

Filed under: Long Island |

On Monday August 8, 2011, the Long Island Sound Study Citizen’s Advisory Committee (LISS CAC) held the first ever Bi-State Legislative Workshop about the Long Island Sound. The workshop was held in Port Jefferson at the Village Center. The focus of the workshop was to discuss and implement a two year action plan to protect and restore the Sound. Some of the issues of concern include the continued decline of the Long Island Sound Lobster population, polluted storm water run-off and beach closures, and the presence of harmful toxic algae that have taken up residence in places such as Northport Harbor. Goals of the advisory committee include having Connecticut and New York partner to save this great body of water by cleaning its waters and coastline, saving the last great places around the sound for future generations and wildlife, and creating new jobs and building economic prosperity.  Some of the ways they plan to accomplish these goals include volunteer coastal cleanups, harbor water monitoring and by encouraging elected officials to invest in clean water and habitate restoration projects.

The restoration and preservation of the Long island Sound is critical to the economy and quality of life for both Connecticut and Long Island.  It is imperative that our elected officials address the issues that effect the water quality of this important body of water that generates about $8 billion annually to the regional economy.

The SoundVision Action Plan which was discussed at the conference is divided into four goals: protecting clean water to achieve a healthy sound; creating safe and thriving places for all sound creatures; building Long Island Sound communities that work; and investing in an economically vibrant Long Island Sound. The plan was put together by the Local Citizens Advisory Committee representing business, municipal, environmental, civic and academic organizations from around the Sound. Local CAC members include Adelphi University, Audubon New York, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Coalition for Protection of Long Island Ground Water, Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor, Ecology and Environment, Inc., Friends of the Bay, Great Eastern Ecology, Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee, Long Island Association, Manhasset Bay Protection Committee, New York Sport-fishing Federation, Town of North Hempstead, and the Town of Oyster Bay.  The group agreed to meet again in the fall for follow up.  To view the entire report visit

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2 Responses to Working To Save the Long Island Sound and Preserve Our Local Heritage

  1. This is great timing with the recent sighting of dolphins in the sound. We must continue to get the sound and the harbors clean so that plant and animal life return to the way it was.

    August 13, 2011 3:41 pm at 3:41 pm

  2. So true HSNY our harbors need to be clean. Is that Avalon project going to cause more problems with the harbor? Someone told me that Avalon will make so much sewage that the plant will be over capacity does anyone know about that. We will never see any dolphins if that happens!

    Specky Doodle
    August 13, 2011 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm

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