Letter to the Editor From Mark Mayoka

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Dear Editor,

I have had the privilege to serve on the Town of Huntington’s Town Council for over the past two years.  From these past two years, I have grown a deep appreciation for how important and challenging it is to bring different priorities to the table in order to uncover and reinforce our shared values for the Town of Huntington.

I am deeply concerned about the future of our Town.

Since the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, the private industry has implemented cost cutting programs to become more efficient. The challenges and devastation of the economy have affected our community and we too, must implement these strategic changes.

Since 2002, the Huntington Town Council adopted annual budgets that drastically increased spending. Specifically, spending has cumulatively increased by an astonishing $275 million dollars from 2001. This excess spending was funded through increased taxes and depletion of our reserve “Rainy Day” funds. I am alarmed about the continued depletion of the reserve funds, which has been occurring for over the past three years and how this will be perceived by the rating agencies. The impact on our bond rating will be such that it will eventually be cut.

In order to address these problems, the Town of Huntington needs a ‘Spending Cut Majority.’

I have worked beside Herb Morrow, a 17-year veteran as Mayor of Huntington Bay in addressing current issues. He has demonstrated his leadership and strength and possesses the kind of common-sense approach, which is needed in Town Hall. He will stand up for what is right, with the kind of integrity which will set an example for the restoration of transparency and faith in local government. I look forward to working with Herb Morrow in the near future and I am proud to endorse him for Huntington Town Council.

Eugene Cook is a successful local businessman who believes the Town of Huntington should be run like a business, with a vigilant eye on expenses, managerial integrity, honesty and openness. He is a self-made man and not a career politician.  He wants to serve his community, fix what needs to be fixed and continue with his life’s work, as our forefathers intended for local government officials.  I too, look forward to working with Eugene Cook while creating change and proudly endorse him for Huntington Town Council.

The challenges we face now and in the near future must be addressed. Eugene Cook and Herb Morrow have the background, experience and record necessary to bridge gaps, achieve solutions, restore leadership, and solve problems within our community. The vision is there, will you stand together to create change with your vote of support and commitment? It is certain; we are ready for a change in leadership and policies.

I urge you to join me in voting on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 for “Cook and Morrow… for a better tomorrow!”

Huntington Town Councilman Mark Mayoka

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