2nd Annual Parade, Street Festival Scheduled for Nov. 26

Filed under: Around Town,News |

 Town Hall Press Release:

The Second Annual Holiday Parade and Street Festival in Huntington Village will kick off at 6:30 p.m. pm Saturday, November 26, with new elements that promise to make it bigger and more enjoyable than the version that drew more than 5,000 people last year.

 Among additions to this year’s parade and festival are competitions for the best floats in two categories – fire department and commercial – and for the best-decorated business. The theme for the parade is “holiday music.”

 The parade route has been extended along Main Street to West Neck Road to allow more people to view the floats, fire equipment and marching bands. The reviewing stand is also being moved to the north side of Main Street; the holiday tree that will be lit as part of a brief ceremony is being moved to a more prominent location on Wall Street. As was the case last year, the holiday trees on the Village Green and at Town Hall will be lit simultaneously.

Numerous fire departments, scouts, and veterans and civic groups are scheduled to participate in the parade, which will begin at the Big H Shopping Center and proceed north on New York Avenue to Main Street, where it will head past the reviewing stand. Wall Street will be closed to traffic from Main Street to Gerard Street until 9 p.m. for the festival, which will include performances from many local groups and promotions from local merchants. In addition, the wildly popular Gamin ride truck will return, as will the horse and buggy rides.

 Parents are invited to bring their children to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus and some of their favorite characters, including Snoopy, The Grinch, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Sesame Street’s Elmo and Toy Story’s Woody. The Halesite Fire Department will have Buddy the Elf on board the actual sled used in filming the movie “Elf.” Free hot chocolate and cookies will be served.

“We were thrilled by the thousands of residents who got into the holiday spirit at last year’s parade and festival, and I hope that even more people will join us this year,” Huntington Supervisor Frank P. Petrone said. “This is another example of what makes Huntington such a special place during the holiday season and year-round.”

 The parade and festival’s sponsors include the Town, the Huntington Village and Huntington Station Business Improvement Districts, the Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce, the Huntington and Huntington Manor Fire Departments and the Huntington Chiefs’ Council.

People attending the festival are encouraged to bring an unwrapped toy and participate in the Town’s efforts to support the Toys for Tots program.


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