More Open Space To Be Lost Forever

Filed under: Huntington Union Free School District,Investigations,News |

This beautiful parcel of land has been approved for subdivision.  It is located on Park Avenue across from the Huntington Jewish Center.  It is located in School District 3.   The home owners who live adjacent to the property have told us about the decades long ordeal they have endured in trying to preserve this land and protect  their quality of life. They are lifelong Huntingtonians and are heart broken about the disregard for their heritage and all the lost treasures in Huntington.  Their story has never been told by any other news source but it will finally be told by the Huntingtonian in the coming days and weeks.



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2 Responses to More Open Space To Be Lost Forever

  1. This is an incredibly sad thing to read. The property is beautiful and should never have been subdivided. Why is CSH receiving another gift of preserved space(Jon Cooper-DeForest Williams Preserve) and we’re losing another? This property is surrounded by historical homes and landmarks. Why is it not being incorporated into an historical district?? Very poor planning.

    Amy B.
    November 25, 2011 10:27 am at 10:27 am

  2. I am disappointed in Jon Cooper. Why couldn’t this area which faces increasing density issues receive the same attention as the DeForest property in Cold Spring Harbor. Park Avenue is going to be so congested that ambulances will not be able to reach the hospital in a timely manner. This town’s leaders must stopping treating the area in School District 3 as a dumping ground.

    November 27, 2011 8:14 am at 8:14 am

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