Bellone and Webber Announce Plan to Tackle Gangs

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Police Department’s Gang Unit Decentralized Putting More Cops in Local Precincts to Address Gang Related Activity

Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and Acting Police Commissioner Edward Webber will announce plans to combat the issue of gang activity in Suffolk County at a press conference in Huntington Station tomorrow.

Recently, members of the Suffolk County Police Department’s gang unit were reassigned to the seven precincts throughout Suffolk County in an effort to improve efficiency. The unit, formally called the Patrol Special Operations Team (PSOT), was responsible for focusing on gang ‘hot spots’ where gang violence was prevalent. By decentralizing this unit, the officers will now bring their intelligence to the precinct level, sharing their knowledge with fellow officers, fostering familiarity with the communities served and adding more flexibility to staffing. The move involves the transfer of seven supervisors and 32 police officers.

 Press Conference to Outline Plan to Fight Gangs

Huntington Station

St. Hugh of Lincoln Parking Lot (Southeast Corner)

1650 New York Ave

Huntington, New York

 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 1:00pm

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One Response to Bellone and Webber Announce Plan to Tackle Gangs

  1. It seems like the so-called anti-gang task force Congressman Steve Israel formed but never actually convened was just his method of placating the Huntington Station residents in 2010. Now County Executive Bellone gets his chance in 2012 to postulate and grandstand in the name of fighting gangs. Word to the wise my friends in the Station – expect more of the same which is basically nothing.

    James E. Martin
    January 23, 2012 7:18 pm at 7:18 pm

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