A Blizzard of Kindness

Filed under: Around Town,Harborfields School District,News |

During the unseasonably warm month of February, students of Oldfield Middle School in the Harborfields Central School District helped transform their school library into a blizzard of kindness and caring.

Sixth, seventh and eighth-grade students were encouraged to bring non-perishable food donations to the school library during the “Big Blizzard of 2012,” an OMS fundraising event. Students hung a paper snowflake for each food item gifted. By Valentine’s Day, the library was a “winter wonderland,” as 1,134 paper snowflakes hung from the ceiling. A total of 48 boxes packed with non-perishable food items were delivered to Harborfields High School, where they found their way onto the shelves of the Harborfields Alliance for Community Outreach’s (HACO) food pantry. 

“I am so impressed by every student who took part in this annual fundraiser,” remarked Assistant Principal Wayne Cronk. “I feel such pride when I see our students go the extra mile like this. They really want to make a difference in the community.” 

Photo Caption: Monica Zenyuh’s sixth-grade class celebrates the Big Blizzard of 2012, with library assistants (left to right) Jean Amodeo, Debbie Berghela and Sarah Zagaja. (click on photo above to enlarge)

Story and photo by Alison DeMaria

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