Huntington Town Board Approves Oheka Castle Zoning Change
During a special session of the Huntington Town Board meeting, held last night, the board voted 5-0 approving the change of zone application for a future development known as the Residences at Oheka Castle. The resolution approving the zone change is shown below:
2012-91. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory Number 31-2011, considering Zone Change Application #2011-ZM-387, known as the Residences at Oheka Castle, to change the zoning from R-80, R-40, R-20 and R-10 Residence Districts and C-6 General Business District to R-OSC Residence Open Space Cluster District for the property located on the West side of East Gate Drive, North of Colonial Drive, West Hills, SCTM #0400-188-01-(001, 002, 005, 021.001, 023.001, 024.001, 024.002, 025.001, 057.001 & 109) and #0400-132-04-(007, 008 & 009), and issuing a Negative Declaration for said action to rezone.
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