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This public hearing is held once a year. The annual meeting will be held on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 6:00 pm at Town hall, 100 Main Street.
The purpose of the Board of Ethics and Financial Disclosure is to carry out the duties assigned to it by the Code of Ethics of the Town of Huntington (Chapter 29). These duties include rendering opinions in response to requests and sworn complaints, review of financial disclosure statements, conducting an annual public hearing for the general public to make recommendations for improvements to the Code of Ethics and conducting seminars for all government officials of the Town to provide a means of education and information. The authority of the Board is limited to interpreting and applying the Town’s Code of Ethics and does not include a consideration of other laws or general complaints about the conduct of Town employees or persons who are not employed by the Town.
The following is a list of board members:
Howard Glickstein, Chairman
Phone: 631-351-3344
Fax: 631-351-3032
E-mail: ethics@huntingtonny.gov
Ralph Crafa
Phone: 631-351-3344
Fax: 631-351-3032
Stanley Heller
Phone: 631-351-3344
Fax: 631-351-3032
Roger Ramme
Phone: 631-351-3344
Fax: 631-351-3032
James Matthews Esq., Counsel
Phone: 631-351-3344
Fax: 631-351-3032
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