Message From Congressional Candidate Stephen Labate

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I am deeply honored to accept the Suffolk County Republican and the Suffolk County Conservative nomination to run in the newly redistricted Congressional District 3. Additional endorsements are imminent, but to once again be trusted with my party’s nomination is an incredible honor.

The district may have changed, but the message of my campaign will not. Whether it is Suffolk County, Nassau County or Queens, our common sense approach to governance will resonate wherever we go. As a member of Congress, I will fight not only for lower taxes and the complete repeal of Obamacare, but also a return to common sense government. The kind of common sense that simply says we don’t spend what we don’t have, nor do we strangle the small business owner to the degree where they can no longer create jobs.

Americans are weary of professional politicians like Congressman Steve Israel who say one thing in the district and then will vote the total opposite way when in Washington. The tired old story of class warfare, demagoguery and partisanship is one which Long Islanders do not need or want in this time of crisis. Long Islanders deserve better and that is why I am so enthusiastic at the opportunities the new CD-3 brings us.

We as leaders owe our allegiance first and foremost to our future generations and to the past generations that fought and bled so that we could be free. It’s for that reason I am running for Congress and why I am so pleased to do my part in CD-3.

Stephen A. Labate

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