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Shortly after taking office, Councilman Gene Cook expressed the need for a state audit of the town’s books. Frank Petrone, Mark Cuthbertson and a few others tried to resist the audit but they eventually did begrudgingly support a resolution after a rally in front of town hall and pressure by residents. Apparently the state of NY believes there is a need for an audit of the town and they have informed Frank Petrone of their intentions. Below is a copy of the letter that was sent to Supervisor Frank Petrone and members of the Town Council from the Office of the State Comptroller.
Below please find the text of the letter and Attachment A
Hon. Frank P, Petrone, Town Supervisor
Members of the Town Council
May 25, 2012 Town of Huntington
100 Main Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Dear Supervisor Petrone and Members of the Town Council:
The Division of Local Government and School Accountability of the Office of the State Comptroller has selected the Town of Huntington for an audit. The audit will focus 011 policies and procedures related to internal controls at the Town.
We plan to begin audit fieldwork in the near future, We will contact you shortly to schedule an entrance conference and to identify those officials and staff who should attend this meeting, At the entrance conference, Town officials will be able to ask questions about this audit and about the resources the examiners will need, Once the audit is underway, our audit staff will be available to meet with any Town officials, including individual members of the Town Council, at any time during audit fieldwork.
Attachment A lists some of the records and information we expect to review during the audit. We appreciate your cooperation in providing us with as much of this information as possible at the entrance conference, In addition, before the entrance conference and in advance of the audit, we will require certain electronic information from your financial accounting system as outlined in Attachment B, During the Course of the audit, we may need to request other information as well. We recognize that an audit places additional demands on you and your staff, and we will do our best to minimize disruption to your day-to-day operations. Our publication, Understanding the Audit Process, which explains how we conduct our audits, is available at http://www.osc.state.ny.us!localgov/audits/theaudit.htm.
At the conclusion of our audit, we will report on the audit’s results and provide recommendations to help improve your Town’s operations, As a key Town official, you will have a role in monitoring any corrective actions that need to be taken as a result of this audit. Therefore, please feel free to ask questions about the audit at the entrance conference and about the audit’s progress at any time during the audit engagement. If I can answer any questions you have at this time, please contact me at 631-952-6534,
Ann Nussbaum, Principal Examiner
Division of Local Government and
School Accountability
cc: Jo-Ann Raia, Town Clerk
Tracy Yogman, Director/Comptroller
Attachment A:
Initial Request for Records and Information
Annual Financial Reports
Record Policies and Other Documents:
NOTE to Readers Attachment B is about file formats of data requested electronically.
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