Centerport Fire Department Installation of Officers and Awards

Filed under: Around Town,Centerport |

The Centerport Fire Department recently held their 114th Annual Installation of Officers and Awards Ceremony.  Master-of-Ceremonies Commissioner Harry Acker introduced Board Members Chairman Peter Gunther and Commissioners Dr. Jack Geffken, Gus Zeis, and Kurt Martin.  Following an Invocation by Chaplain Paul Heglund, Commissioner Gunther administered the oath-of-office to Chief of Department Andrew Stevenson. Chief Stevenson installed First Assistant Chief Nick Feeley, and Second Assistant Chief Brian Mark. Ex-Chief Paul Heglund was installed as Deputy Chief Chaplain, Dr. Jack Geffken as Deputy Chief Medical, and Steve Silverman as Deputy Chief Photographer.

Company officers installed were as follows:    Engine Company No. 1 – Captain Richard Miltner, First Lieutenant Louis Moreno, Second Lieutenant William DeSantis.  Engine Company No. 2 – Captain Kevin Reilly, Lieutenant Larry Burlingame.  Eagle Truck Company – Captain Matt Pribyl, First Lieutenant Bruce Waring, Second Lieutenant Robert Simpson.  Rescue Squad – Captain Michael Ryan, Lieutenant Andrew Aberham.  Fire Patrol – Captain William Penny, Lieutenant Sam Jones. 

Deputy Chief Medical Dr. Jack Geffken was presented with a Lifesaving Award for assisting the Northport Fire Dept. in reviving a 10-year-old girl in Cardiac Arrest. The patient was revived with Advanced Life Support medications and has made a full recovery.

Top Responder Awards were presented to members that answered over 100 Alarms last year. Rescue Responder Awards went to Dave McGovern, John Knoph, George Puga, Joe Morency, Jack Geffken, Steve Jones, Larry Donnelly, Steven Peters, Pete Reilly, James Nolcheck, Deborah Thide and Kyle McLaughlin.

Fire Responder Awards were given to Kyle McLaughlin, Danny Gunther, Eli Felluss, Bob Simpson, Paul Heglund, Jim Feeley, James Nolcheck, Bob Ciafardoni, and Pete Reilly.

 The Harry R. Burr Memorial Award for the most alarms answered in 2011 was presented to Firefighter Kyle McLaughlin. 

Story & Photos by Steve Silverman

Photo above: – Centerport volunteer firefighter Kyle McLaughlin receives the Harry R. Burr Memorial Award for answering the most alarms in 2011.  Presenting the honors are from left, Second Assistant Chief Brian Mark, Kyle McLaughlin, Chief Andrew Stevenson, and First Assistant Chief Nick Feeley. 


 Photo above: – The Centerport Fire Department presented a Lifesaving Award to Deputy Chief Medical Dr. Jack Geffken for assisting the Northport Fire Department in reviving a 10-year-old girl in Cardiac Arrest. The patient was revived with Advanced Life Support medications and has made a full recovery.  From left, are Second Assistant Chief Brian Mark, Dr. Jack Geffken, Chief Andrew Stevenson, and First Assistant Chief Nick Feeley.            
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