Town Board Approves Public Hearing to Abolish Elective Highways Superintendent Position

Filed under: Around Town,Government,Investigations,News,Politics |

At the July 24th, 2012 meeting of the Huntington Town Board, three last minute resolutions were passed which schedule public hearings on the following matters.  The public hearings for the matters listed below will be held on August 14th, at Huntington Town Hall. All three resolutions passed by three to two votes with Councilman Mark Mayoka and Eugene Cook voting no to all three.  Both Councilmen stated that these resolutions were slipped through very quickly and more time was needed to absorb what was being proposed.

The first resolution is regarding abolishing the elective office  position of Highway Superintendent and creating an appointive office of Highway Superintendent.   According to details outlined in the resolution this item is subject to voter referendum whereby the residents of the Town of Huntington would vote on election day, November 6, 2012.  If the voters approve to abolish the elective office of Highway Superintendent, the office would transform from an elective one to an appointed office on January 1st, 2014.  At that point the Highway Superintendent would be serving at the pleasure of, and would be accountable to the Town Board.  The current Highway Superintendent is William Naughton. Further reasoning outlined in the resolution to take such action include  streamlining Town processes and promote efficiency.

The second resolution sets a public hearing to eliminate the Town’s General Services Department.  The General Services Department would then be transformed into a “Division” that would fall under a newly created Town Public Works Department.

The third resolution would then effectively establish a Town Public Works Department.  This newly created Department would have under it’s umbrella the new Division of General Services.  Services to fall under this category include buildings and grounds, facilities management, parks maintenance, vehicle operations and maintenance and related inter-departmental services. Other divisions may be added to the newly created Public Works Department.  The Department would consist of a Director that would serve at the pleasure of the Town Board and a Deputy Director for each division created within that department.




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2 Responses to Town Board Approves Public Hearing to Abolish Elective Highways Superintendent Position

  1. So now to distract from their financially disastrous administration they have chosen to go after a man who has worked tirelessly for the taxpayers in Huntington. I am not saying he is perfect, because no one is, but the residents of Huntington are not requesting that the Town Board take away their right to vote for someone who is responsible for the largest asset the town has. The Town Board has chosen to do this because he will not “kiss the ring”.
    It is said that each mile of road (pavement, drainage, trees etc) is valued at about $1 million and there are about 800 miles of town roads. So this means that the person that the voters elect is responsible for around $800 million worth of infrastructure.
    I am sure the voters do not want a political hack put in charge of this. I am sure the voters will want to keep their right to elect someone for this position.

    July 25, 2012 10:41 am at 10:41 am

  2. The Town has no money. The taxpayers pay millions each year to maintain our roads and the corresponding infrastructure. That money is given for our roads and it should be spent on our roads. Frank Petrone has already diverted millions away from Highway each year to fund his other deficiencies. Now he wants the entire highway budget to be under his control. Also, the people that live in the Town of Huntington have continued to elect Mr. Naughton. What right does Petrone have to make this his appointed position? So he can appoint another one of his puppets? Enough is enough. Petrone, Cuthbertson and Berland voted for this. Hold them accountable.

    July 25, 2012 2:37 pm at 2:37 pm

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