Manhole Cover Theft on the Rise

Filed under: Crime,Government,Investigations,News |

Recently the Town of Huntington Highway Department has had to replace about 20 stolen manhole covers. The Suffolk County Police Department has been notified. These thefts not only cost the town about $400 each to replace but, in addition, the Town has also incurred overtime expenses and these thefts have created a very dangerous situation.

These covers are protecting people and pets from falling into underground drainage structures that can be 20-30 feet deep and filled with water. There are no ladders in some of them and they are made of concrete and cast steel. The potential for serious injury and death is a real possibility. Some of the covers that have been stolen are in the middle of the roadway. This could cause a serious traffic accident if someone were to drive into the open hole in the road.

We ask anyone that sees anyone removing a manhole cover to please contact the police immediately. Please note the vehicle make and model as well as a license plate number and a description of the individual(s) involved. These thefts have to stop before someone gets hurt. There are about 30,000 of these covers just in the Town of Huntington so we need the public’s help to stop this very dangerous activity. If you have any questions or comments about this problem please call the Highway Hotline at 631-499-0444.

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One Response to Manhole Cover Theft on the Rise

  1. They’re not just stealing them from the Town. I have had dozens of calls on replacing them. Scrap yards are not supposed to take them as whole so the guys stealing them, smash them with sledge hammers and then bring them in broken, for cash.

    August 8, 2012 7:02 am at 7:02 am

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