Councilman Eugene Cook Submits FOIL Request Regarding General Services

Filed under: Around Town,Government,Investigations,News |

Councilman Eugene Cook had to FOIL information from Mark Tyree, FOIL Officer for General Services after requesting the same information from Thomas Boccard, Director of General Services. These requests of Thomas Boccard have gone as far back as June 6, 2012. As a Town of Huntington Councilman, Eugene Cook stated “I want to work with the directors of all town departments to understand and improve spending of taxpayer’s dollars, and will not be deterred by the lack of information and will take the steps that federal law has provided all of us using the FOIL process, if needed.” I have attached a copy of my request for the Taxpayers of Huntington to review and understand that I plan on working diligently on their behalf.  The copy of the “Freedom of Information Law” is shown below:

Eugene Cook

100 Main Street

Huntington, New York 11743

631 351 3174

August 13, 2012


Mark Tyree, FOIL Officer General Services

Town of Huntington

100 Main Street

Huntington, New York 11743


Dear Mr. Tyree,

Please accept this FOIL request for the following information:

•             An accounting of chemicals used at the Golf Courses, what has been purchased, what has been used, and balance in inventory.

•             Detailed inventory of all materials and supplies that are currently in the town’s maintenance facilities, golf courses, sports fields or other facilities under general services control.

•             Information pertaining to the renovation of Maritime, to include why general services purchased over $5000 worth of supplies from Home Depot at retail prices instead of from State Bids.  Breakdown of all manpower including names and job responsibilities for this project.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.  If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Eugene Cook

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5 Responses to Councilman Eugene Cook Submits FOIL Request Regarding General Services

  1. Does it not seem absurd to everyone that an elected town councilman has to actually FOIL for information from town departments? Shouldn’t all of this be readily available to our town board without having to get approval from anyone? Or is it just being withheld from Mayoka and Cook because they are the “opposition”? One would hope not.

    My Town Too
    August 14, 2012 9:22 am at 9:22 am

  2. Pingback: Another Councilman Stonewalled in Obtaining Financial Information | The Huntingtonian

  3. Maybe someone should FOIL all the FOILS that all council people have FOILED and see who has to FOIL for the information and who doesn’t seem to need too……

    August 15, 2012 8:37 am at 8:37 am

  4. Pingback: Councilman Mark Mayoka Concerned with Town’s Budget Process | The Huntingtonian

  5. Pingback: More Whac-a-Mole From Town Spokesperson A.J. Carter | The Huntingtonian

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