Don’t Text and Drive Press Conference

Filed under: Harborfields School District,News |

Greenlawn, NY – Suffolk County Legislator William R. Spencer (D-Huntington) will hold a press conference to announce his plan to increase awareness of the dangers of texting while driving.  “It Can Wait” is the AT&T campaign that Legislator Spencer and County Health Educators used as a starting point to develop a 30-minute educational assembly for high school students.  An abridged version of the assembly will be used as a district-wide “Parents as Partners” workshop to educate drivers, young and old, about this serious issue.  The goal of the awareness campaign is to get teen drivers and their parents to make a pledge not to text while driving.  This simple commitment will be a huge step towards making our roads safer and ultimately saving lives.  If drivers still insist on breaking the law, SCPD is committed to stepping-up enforcement of the distracted driving laws.

Please Join:  Suffolk County Legislator William R. Spencer, M.D., Diana Todaro,  Superintendent of Harborfields School   District,Rory Manning, Ph. D., Principal of Harborfields High School,Edward Bergstraesser, Area Director of External Affairs, AT&T,Nancy Hemendinger, Health Educator, Suffolk County Dept. of Health, John Meehan, Chief of Patrol, SCPD Edward Brady, Inspector of the Second Precinct, SCPD

WHEN:          Wednesday, September 19, 2012 @ 12:30 pm

WHERE:       Harborfields High School, 98 Taylor Avenue, Greenlawn, NY 11740

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