Walt Whitman DECA Presents A Concert For Autism

Filed under: Around Town,Concerts,South Huntington Union Free School District |

December 6th, 2012 7PM-8:30PM

Walt Whitman Performing Arts Center
Donations: $5/ticket at school

$10. Ticket at door

Complimentary refreshments provided by Brendels

After volunteering this past summer at Adelphi University’s Disability Support Services office, DECA President Jackie Calamari and DECA Parliamentarian Jordana Lanz were surprised by the number of college students who require extra assistance. As they scheduled class note takers for impaired students and proctored exams for students who needing a less stressful environment, both Jordana and Jackie noticed how many students suffered from Autism.

“As officers of the Walt Whitman DECA Chapter, it is our duty to demonstrate leadership not only in school but throughout the community as well.” said Jackie Calamari. “After seeing so many students with disabilities, we decided to raise money for autistic students through a community service project,” said Jackie. “We researched may different foundations to donate the money earned by our concert and chose the Brittany Maier and Friends Foundation.” Brittany Maier is not only autistic, but blind as well. Yet despite her disabilities, she is an outstanding pianist who is nationally recognized. Her foundation emphasizes working hard to do what you love, despite your disabilities. By raising money, Whitman’s DECA Club will help autistic students like Brittany to express themselves through music.

Not only will the concert raise money that will be split between the Brittany Maier and Friends Foundation and the Walt Whitman DECA Club, but it is also a great way to demonstrate the importance of using leadership to benefit the community. Please come out to support this great cause. Congratulations Whitman DECA Club!

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