Huntington Town Board Meeting Preliminary Agenda

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1. Solicit input about the Town’s response to Hurricane Sandy. (2012-M-58)

2. Consider awarding a franchise agreement to conduct 2013 youth sports programs for the Town of Huntington Department of Parks and Recreation. (Re: US Sports Institute, Inc. for a period of two years) (2013-M-2)

3. Consider awarding a franchise agreement to conduct science camps and programs for the Town of Huntington Department of Parks and Recreation. (Re: Sciensational Workshop for Kids, Inc. for a period of two years) (2013-M-3)

4. Reconsider the application of Seamus Coyle for a Certificate of Approval in a Historic District; Re: 114 Prime Avenue, Huntington – Mill Lane Historic District. (SCTM# 0400-071.00-02.00-083.000) (2013-ZC-1-Ch. 198)

5. Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 1-2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, declaring a ninety-day moratorium on the issuance of approvals, grants and/or conditional use permits by Town agencies Re: construction or installation of wind turbines and related facilities. (Local Law Introductory No. 1-2013)


2013-38. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. D/B/A Maxim Staffing Solutions to provide a substitute licensed practical nurse for camp Bright Star.

2013-39. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement with Suffolk County Department of Health Services for the provision of drug treatment and prevention services and alternatives for Youth Services.

2013-40. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a memorandum of understanding with the Suffolk County Department of Labor for the Summer Youth Employment Program and out of school work experience program.

2013-41. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to apply for and receive financial assistance from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation from the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) State Assistance Program.

2013-42. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement with Labor Educational and Community Services Agency, Inc. (LESCA), for an employee assistance program.

2013-43. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract for the Crab Meadow Watershed Hydrology Study and Stewardship Plan with GEI Consultants, Inc.

2013-44. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a requirements contract for the repair of gasoline and diesel pumps and leak detection systems with Henrich Equipment Co., Inc.

2013-45. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a requirements contract for the bus services for various recreation programs with Huntington Coach Corporation and Coastal Charter Service Corp.

2013-46. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a requirements contract for international truck repairs and parts with Syosset Truck Sales, Inc. and Komatsu heavy equipment repairs and parts with Edward Ehrbar, Inc.

2013-47. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an extension to the requirements contract for heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) service, installation and maintenance, with absolute control HVAC Corp.

2013-48. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an extension to the Townwide requirements contract for tree planting with Louis Barbato Landscaping, Inc.

2013-49. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an extension to the contract with David R. Maltz & Co., Inc. for the public auction of surplus items.

2013-50. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an extension to the requirements contract for light and heavy duty manual transmission and rear differential, rebuild and repair with Drive Train Truck Parts, Inc.

2013-51. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a service contract for video content management with Granicus, Inc.

2013-52. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract for engineering design services for necessary lighting upgrades at the south parking garage with Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C.

2013-53. AUTHORIZE the Comptroller to amend the 2013 Operating and Capital Budget for the Town of Huntington and its Special Districts.

2013-54. AUTHORIZE the Comptroller to amend the 2013 Operating Budget for the Town of Huntington and its Special Districts- various departments.

2013-55. AUTHORIZE the correction of code violations at various locations pursuant to the Code of the Town of Huntington.

2013-56. AUTHORIZE the creation of a curbside E-Waste Recycling Program.

2013-57. ADOPT the recommendations of the Administrative Hearing Officer in the matter of the appeal of Eric F. Hecker d/b/a RBJ Foods, Inc. (Re: Application for Peddler’s or Solicitor’s License application).

2013-58. AMEND Town Board Resolution 2012-536 to correct a Scrivener’s Error.

2013-59. AMEND Town Board Resolution 2012-504 scheduling regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Huntington for the Year 2013.

2013-60. APPOINT an Acting Assessor for the Town of Huntington.

2013-61. APPROVE the creation of a Melville Plan Advisory Committee (MPAC) to oversee both the issuance of an RFP to select a project consultant to prepare a Melville Employment Center Integrated Land Use, circulation and infrastructure plan and the development of the plan.

2013-62. DECLARE May 18 through May 24, 2013 Town of Huntington Safe Boating Week.

2013-63. DIRECT the Public Information Officer to provide accurate and complete financial information on a timely basis for use by the citizens and the press.

2013-64. ESTABLISH an Emergency Task Force Committee.

2013-65. EXTEND pilot use for on-leash dog walking at Frazer Drive Park as a component of a neighborhood watch effort and directing drafting of a potential town code amendment enabling designation of dog trails in town parks.

2013-66. GRANT permission to Renaissance Downtowns, LLC for use of Huntington Station commuter parking Lot 22 in connection with its Saturday, March 23, 2013 Community Fest.

2013-67. REAPPOINT and APPOINT members to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board.

2013-68. AUTHORIZE appropriate action(s) in accordance with Huntington Town Code Chapter 156 property maintenance; nuisances, Article VII, Blighted Property, §156-67, action by Town Board for failure to comply or abate violations.

2013-69. ENACTMENT: APPROVE the issuance of a Certificate of Approval in a Historic District Re: 125 Main Street, Huntington – Old Huntington Green Historic District.

2013-70. ENACTMENT: Deny the issuance of a Certificate of Approval in a Historic District Re: 114 Prime Avenue, Huntington – Mill Lane Historic District.

2013-71. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2012, adding Chapter 156A to the Code of the Town of Huntington (Bamboo).

2013-72. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider authorizing various actions be taken upon certain properties designated as blighted in accordance with Chapter 156, Article VII, §156-60 (Blighted Property).

2013-73. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory Number -2013, so as to revoke all of the Covenants and Restrictions previously recorded as part of the Zone Change application #1970-ZM-012 of Long Island National Bank, and reestablishing Covenants and Restrictions for property located on the northwest corner of Pulaski Road and Cuba Hill Road, Greenlawn, SCTM #0400-105-02-027.

2013-74. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 2, Article I, §2-1, Schedule A.

2013-75. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 2, Article IV, §2-7, Schedule G.

2013-76. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 13 (Public Officials).

2013-77. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider exempting the Dix Hills Fire District from Site Plan Review and the Town of Huntington Zoning Code as is necessary to build a Fire Training Building (SCTM #0400-278-02-181.001).

2013-78. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider issuing a Certificate of Approval in an Historic District Re: 6 Country Meadow Court, Melville – Sweet Hollow Historic District.

2013-79. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider issuing a Certificate of Approval in an Historic District Re: 247 Park Avenue, Huntington – Old Huntington Green Historic District.

2013-80. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider issuing a Certificate of Approval in an Historic District Re: 356 West Hills Road, Huntington – Whitman Historic District.

2013-81. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider issuing a Certificate of Approval for an individually designated historic site Re: 389 West Hills Road, Melville –The Valentine House.

2013-82. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider issuing a Certificate of Approval in an Historic District Re: 478 Park Avenue, Huntington – Old Huntington Green Historic District.

2013-83. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider authorizing the Town Board to execute a license agreement between the Dix Hills Water District and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, successor in interest to cellular telephone company, to maintain existing cellular antennas and equipment at the water tower located at Colby Drive, Dix Hills, New York.

2013-84. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider authorizing the Town Board to execute a license agreement between the Dix Hills Water District and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, successor in interest to cellular telephone company, to maintain existing cellular antennas and equipment at the water tower located at Wolf Hill Road, Dix Hills, New York.

2013- 85. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 64 (Town Attorney’s Office, Department of) Section 64-4 (Powers and Duties).

2013-86. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider executing a license agreement with Developmental Disabilities Institute for the use of a Town of Huntington Parking Facility.

2013-87. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory No. 1-2013 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington declaring a one hundred and twenty-eight (128) day moratorium on the processing of applications, holding of public hearings, and issuance of approvals, grants and/or conditional use permits by town agencies, departments and boards, Re: construction or installation of wind turbines and related facilities.


2013-CD3. AUTHORIZE the Chairman to execute an extension to the contract with Israeloff, Trattner & Co. P.C., certified public accountants, to conduct an independent audit for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012.

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