Raia, Lupinacci Rally For Long Island School Aid

Filed under: Around Town,News |

Assemblymen Andrew Raia and Chad Lupinacci today joined other members of the Assembly Minority delegation, local school officials and education advocates to call on Gov. Cuomo to increase education funding for Long Island schools. Assemblyman Raia pointed out that under the governor’s current proposal, Long Island students would receive an average of $66 in new funding per student, far below the statewide average of $119 and the New York City average of $129 per student. 

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“As someone who spent the past eight years trying to balance the rising cost of education from the top down, I can assure you our current system is broken,” said Lupinacci. “Albany bureaucrats certainly don’t know what’s best for our children and shipping our hard-earned tax dollars away from Long Island doesn’t help anyone. The governor’s proposal is not only irresponsible but will have a negative impact for years to come. Long Island residents already pay some of the highest taxes in the nation and our children deserve their fair share of school aid.”

“But even more importantly, we must take the necessary steps so our school administrators don’t have to choose between mandated services and what’s best for our children. Without reform of the current system, students and residents across Long Island will continue to suffer with an unfair and burdensome system,” concluded Lupinacci.

“Long Island’s schools have helped shape leaders, innovators and scholars. Our educators need to be provided with the resources it takes  to continue this history of service to our children,” said Raia. “Families in our community face some of the highest property tax rates in the country and deserve a much better return on their investment.”

During this morning’s rally, the assemblymen were joined by various school and parent groups, including Jim March, President of the Nassau-Suffolk School Board Association; Gary Bixhorn, Chief Operating Officer for Eastern Suffolk BOCES; James Polansky, Superintendent for Huntington School District; David Bennardo, Superintendent for South Huntington School District; and the PTA president and board members from South Huntington School District.

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