Greenlawn FD 111th Annual Installation Of Officers

Filed under: Greenlawn |

Story & Photos by Steve Silverman

Greenlawn FD - FF Of the year

Photo above:  The Greenlawn Fire Department Firefighter of the Year Award was presented to Sean Maier for going above and beyond in all aspects of the Department. Sean was joined by his proud parents Joseph and Julie Maier, who are both volunteers in the department. From left, are Chief Scott Waryold, Julie Maier, Sean Maier, Joseph Maier, and outgoing Chief Scott Dalrymple. 

The Greenlawn Fire Department recently held their 111th Annual Installation of Officers, where the new officers were installed and members were recognized for their service.

The new Chief of Department Scott Waryold was sworn into office by the Board of Fire Commissioners along with First Assistant Chief Kurt Allen, Second Assistant Chief Michael Zeis, and Third Assistant Chief Michael Bellis.

The following company officers were installed:  Columbia Hook and Ladder Company – Captain Joseph Costanza, Lieutenant Angelo Santomauro.  Engine Company – Captain Edward Nill, Lieutenant Joseph Pace.  Hose Company – Captain Greg Porter, Lieutenant Brian Ross. Rescue Squad – Captain Zack Harrington, First Lieutenant Matthew Schwier, Second Lieutenant Ryan Boone.

Outgoing Chief Scott Dalrymple was recognized for his service and leadership as Chief from 2011-2012, and received an award for his efforts. The John Shaw Memorial Award was presented to Firefighter Neil Ames for his dedicated service.

The Firefighter of the Year Award was presented to Firefighter Sean Maier for going above and beyond in all aspects of the Department. The Commissioner Mark Levee Rescue Responder of the Year Award was given to Captain Zack Harrington, Chaplain John McKenna, and Greg McCullough. The three firefighters were recognized for the professional care they provided to a patient that fell down a flight of stairs last October.

Greenlawn FD Officers

Photo above:  The newly installed officers of the Greenlawn Fire Department are pictured at their 111th Annual Installation. Seated from left, are Chief of Department Scott Waryold, First Assistant Chief Kurt Allen, Second Assistant Chief Michael Zeis, and Third Assistant Chief Michael Bellis. Standing, are Rescue Squad Second Lieut. Ryan Boone, First Lieut. Matthew Schwier, Captain Zack Harrington; Hose Company Captain Greg Porter, Lieut. Brian Ross; Engine Company Captain Edward Nill, Lieut. Joseph Pace; Hook and Ladder Company Lieut. Angelo Santomauro, Captain Joseph Costanza. 

Greenlawn FD - Rescue

Photo above: – Three Greenlawn Fire Department Rescue Squad volunteers were presented with the Commissioner Mark Levee Rescue Responder of the Year Award. The trio were recognized for the professional care they provided to a patient that fell down a flight of stairs last October. From left, are Scott Waryold, Chaplain John McKenna, Greg McCullough, Captain Zack Harrington, and outgoing Chief Scott Dalrymple. 

Greenlawn FD - 4

Photo above:  Greenlawn Firefighter Neil Ames, center, received the John Shaw Memorial Award for his honor, pride, and dedication to service.  Bestowing the honors are Chief Scott Waryold, left, and outgoing Chief Scott Dalrymple, right. 

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