The Statues Have Arrived!

Filed under: Huntington Station,Investigations,News |

The limestone statues that the EDC purchased to the tune of $65,000 have arrived!  The plaza is finally finished!  This is the before picture:

1000 New York Avenue

This is the final product of more than 5 years of work and millions of dollars of public funds:

StatuesStatues 2

 This is a link to a story we ran in July of 2012, it explains some of the history. The statues may have been a good idea if they were the finishing touches to a community fully revitalized.  At this point, you can’t really enjoy them if you are driving on New York Avenue as the traffic is intense.  There is very little parking available for the plaza and I’m not sure there would be a reason to visit the plaza unless you had some items to pawn.

We are not trying to be naysayers as we want nothing more than to see Huntington station revitalized.  We live here.  The poor planning and waste of tax dollars in this very difficult economic time is troubling to those of us who hope to see a bright future for Huntington Station.

The only thing left to wonder about is when the politicians line up for the photo op of the unveiling of the statues, will they use the Pawn Shop as the back drop or will they line up in front of New York Avenue.

What we worry about is that some builder will come in with a plan that requires the whole area to be bulldozed to accommodate their project.

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4 Responses to The Statues Have Arrived!

  1. We visited the site today, Saturday, and we met the artist before she left for her hometown,Colorado. She was pleased that we visited the site. They still have to plant the trees then it will be completely finished. Hope they have a big enough tree to cover the pawn shop.

    April 6, 2013 3:50 pm at 3:50 pm

  2. I’m thinking sitting on the bench along the roadside might not be such a safe idea and also am wondering who would pay to replace the statues in the event of an automobile accident?
    (Also note that the protective cement pillar was already hit)

    April 6, 2013 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm

  3. I have driven past this location a few times. The statues are nice. I love art but I am not sure what the music theme has to do with that location.

    It is not the artists fault but the statues are completely washed out by the concrete and bricks that are almost the same color as the statues. The pawn Shop is not what we saw in the mock up drawings that were presented before this project started.

    I wonder if the other businesses there are happy with the narrow traffic lane and limited parking.

    Maybe the Town can pay a ridiculously high amount to buy that building with the Pawn Shop. Gee I wonder who owns that building?

    April 7, 2013 10:56 am at 10:56 am

  4. Two Words… Don Pius!!!!!!!!!!

    April 7, 2013 1:54 pm at 1:54 pm

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