Huntington School District – Election Results

Filed under: Around Town,Huntington Union Free School District,News |

The election results for the Huntington School District is as follows:


The school budget of $114,707,235 passed 1705 – 585 which is an increase of 2.55%

Proposition No. 2 to expend monies that already exist in the current Building Improvement Fund Referendum to allocate funds passed 1763-480

Proposition No. 3 to create a new Capital Reserve Fund from surplus monies to fund future building projects, including the renovation and reconstruction of facilities at all eight buildings in the district passed 1681-500.

The following trustees have been elected:

Bari Fehrs, Bill Dwyer

Number of votes for trustees:

Bill Dwyer – 1024

Bari Fehrs – 1387

Deniqua Crichlow – 1013

Jennifer Mosden -907

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