Raia Fights Animal Abusers

Filed under: Around Town,News |

 Assemblyman Andrew Raia recently announced he will be co-sponsoring legislation to protect pets from animal abusers. This bill creates the animal abuser central registry, and requires that certain convicted animal abusers register with it. The bill states that registrants are prohibited from possessing, adopting, owning, purchasing or exercising control over any animal, except in certain cases in the court’s discretion, and also levies fines and imprisonment for non-compliance.

“Our pets become family members who garner the same love and respect that our human family members do,” said Raia. “With something as simple as keeping an accessible list of past offenders we can take real steps to stop evil and abusive individuals from continuing to harm innocent animals.”

Assemblyman Raia has a long history of fighting to protect animals throughout New York State. Earlier this year, Raia joined his Long Island colleagues in co-sponsoring legislation to outlaw the cruel and inhumane procedure of devocalization of animals. This dangerous and invasive procedure involves cutting an animal’s vocal chords to mute their ability to make noise. Raia also introduced legislation to raise the penalty for killing a police dog from a misdemeanor to a felony.

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