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Senator Carl L. Marcellino made the following statement on Common Core Testing:
With the new Common Core test scores being released, many School districts across Long Island have seen a significant drop in Student’s measured performance.
Before panic sets in, we must remember that the final scores of the 2013 tests are not the clearest method of evaluating the effectiveness of a teacher’s performance or a student’s achievement in the classroom. While New York State has joined with a coalition of 45 States in adopting the Common Core, we are the only state that tested using these new standards in 2013. The other States will begin testing Common Core principles in 2014.
Perhaps this fact alone demonstrates that the NYS Education Department (NYSED) may have moved too quickly.
In April I sent a letter to Commissioner King urging him to use these results as a learning tool for NYSED and for the State’s teachers. The results can be studied and new guidelines created to help teachers better prepare themselves and the students for the 2014 tests.
Now is the time for Commissioner King to alleviate unnecessary fear and anxiety and make an official proclamation that clearly states that student and teacher evaluations for 2013 will not be negatively impacted by these tests.
I support striving for the highest achievement for both our students and teachers, but we must be prudent in our implementation strategies.
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