Huntington GOP Candidates Raise $427,000 and Counting For Campaigns

Filed under: Around Town,News,Politics |

In the most recent New York State Board of Elections filing, known as the 32 day pre-primary filing, Huntington Republican designee candidates have significantly increased the amount of money they have on hand. Combined, they have a total of $427,468.48 available to challenge the primary candidates and their Opponents in November.

The candidates have the following amounts on hand:

Supervisor Candidate Eugene Cook: $99,895.42

Town Councilman Mark Mayoka: $157,372.80

Town Councilman Candidate Josh Price: $141,477.25

The Huntington Republican Committee (HRC) has $28,723.01

Additional fundraisers are scheduled including a Lobster fest that will be held this Wednesday evening.

In comparison, Frank Petrone has a total of $489,926.49, Mark Cuthbertson has $223,315.71 and Tracy Edwards has $17,813.81.

Republican Primary candidate Robert Lifson has not filed a report as of press time, which indicates he has not raised any money of significance. Republican Primary candidate Mark Capodanno has $100 on hand according to his most recent filing. The $100 donation was from Supervisor Frank Petrone’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Phillip Ingerman.

Supervisor Petrone has never faced a candidate with a significant amount of campaign funds so this should get interesting.

The next filing date deadline is 10 days before the September 10th primary elections.

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