Ravioli Making Workshop

Filed under: Around Town,Arts & Entertainment,Cold Spring Harbor |

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 from 1pm – 3pm at the Cold Spring Harbor Library & Environmental Center, 95 Harbor Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724

Chef Lisa is cooking up something delicious!  Learn step-by-step how to make fresh ravioli at home.  The group will create a tomato sauce and Chef Lisa will discuss different filling options.  The class will then enjoy the delicious ravioli in the library!  Please bring a rolling pin.

Sign up at the Information Services Desk with your check for $5.00 per person made out to CSH Library for materials.

“The history of ravioli is an interesting tale. So far as Italy is concerned, the earliest records of ravioli appear in the preserved letters of Francesco di Marco, a merchant of Prato in the 14th century. The pasta is described as being stuffed with pork, eggs, cheese, parsley and sugar, and during Lent a filling of herbs, cheese, and spices was used. There were both sweet and savory kinds. The city of Cremona claims to have created ravioli. But Genoa claims that too, insisting that the word ravioli comes from their dialect word for pasta, rabiole, which means “something of little value” and referred to the practice of poor sailors who suffered leftovers into pasta to be eaten for another meal.

In 14th century England Ravioli appears in the Anglo-Norman manuscript Forme of Cury under the name of Rauioles. In Malta Raviul dating back before the North Italian ravioli, are stuffed with ricotta from the local sheep.” – www.tastetuscany.co.uk 

For more information, please visit the Information Services Desk or call 631-692-6820 x200. 

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