Mark Cuthbertson Resorts to “Política Sucia” At Hispanic Heritage Celebration Event

Filed under: Around Town,Investigations,News |

The Huntington Hispanic Heritage Celebration took place on October 18th at Huntington Town Hall.  The event, sponsored by the Town’s Hispanic Task Force honored 13 outstanding high school students as part of the celebration. The Town Board members were in attendance and spoke at the ceremony.  Mr. Cuthbertson, who was introduced by Supervisor Frank Petrone, used the event to single out and disparage Councilman Mayoka and Councilman Cook and called upon the audience to boo them when their names were mentioned. He spoke in Spanish so that his colleagues on the town board could not understand what he was saying. Those remarks may be found by clicking on the video below:



The event was not supposed to be political in nature as many fine young students were being honored for various acheivements.

Long time former Huntington School Board member Rich McGrath, said “geez it’s supposed to be an event about kids, why would you do that?  I am sure Mark Cuthbertson knows in retrospect it was a  knucklehead move.  But we all know if Gene Cook or Mark Mayoka had made similar remarks, there would be a press conference demanding their resignations”.

One of the event sponsors, Xavier Palacios, stated that he was very disappointed by all of the politicial remarks that were made at this event. He said some people approached him afterwards saying “what was that all about?”


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3 Responses to Mark Cuthbertson Resorts to “Política Sucia” At Hispanic Heritage Celebration Event

  1. Ugh, why do Petrone and Cuthbertson feel the need to behave like defensive children? If they are as wonderful as they portray themselves to be, then why the need to disparage and demonize their opponents? If they believe in themselves so fully then they should have nothing to worry about, right? If their opponents are so ill equipped to hold these positions, then let us, the voter decide based on what we see and hear directly from each candidate. The practice of using a community event to promote your political aspirations by engaging them in a “lets boo our opponents when I say their name” game, is just that, a game, not to mention the height of ignorance. And because Cuthbertson spoke in Spanish to try and ingratiate himself to the community, arrogant and demeaning. These actions solidify what I already know about Petrone and Cuthbertson’s lack of honor, character and humility. Their lack of these basic qualities have been on display at each of the town meetings I have attended. Sad that two grown men feel the need to denigrate another in the name of politics. Lovely legacy to leave your children and grandchildren. Good luck with that, “gentlemen”.

    October 28, 2013 1:24 pm at 1:24 pm

  2. Wow, if this were Cook or Mayoka, Petrone and Cuthretson would be all over this with mock outrage! What, no press conference, Jane Devine and Sherry Pavone? What Cuthbertson said and did is far worse than you can pretend Cook’s comments were. And they all know it, they’re just hoping the people of this town don’t see through them before they can be re-elected.
    But just keep being yourself Mr. Cuthbertson, you’re making Mr. Cooks’ job easy by putting your arrogance and hypocrisy on full display.

    October 28, 2013 1:42 pm at 1:42 pm

  3. Pingback: Will Huntington Vote for the Crime Syndicate on Tuesday? |

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