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1. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 28-2013, amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 2, Article IV, 2-7, Schedule G. Re: Roberta Lane, Commack; Clearview Street, Holst Drive West, Penataquit Place, Huntington – Stop Signs. (Local Law Introductory No. 28-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-503 at 10-15-2013 Town Board Meeting |
2. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 29-2013, amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 3, Article II, 3-3, Schedule J. Re: Old Walt Whitman Road, Melville – Parking Restrictions. (Local Law Introductory No. 29-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-504 at 10-15-2013 Town Board Meeting |
3. | Consider issuing a Certificate of Approval in an Historic District Re: 56 Shore Road, Cold Spring Harbor – Cold Spring Harbor Historic District. (Applicant: 56 Partes Tres, LLC) (SCTM #0400-016.00-02.00-004.000)(2013-ZC-14-Ch. 198) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-506 at 10-15-2013 Town Board Meeting |
4. | Consider authorizing various actions be taken upon certain properties designated as Blighted in accordance with Chapter 156, Article VII, 156-60 (Blighted Property). (SCTM #’S 0400-262.00-01.00-145.000, 0400-055.00-01.00-048.003, 0400-043.00-05.00-014.000, 0400-225.00-03.00-058.000) (2013-M-103) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-505 at 10-15-2013 Town Board Meeting |
5. | Consider an amendment to the license agreement with Cellular Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Wireless to permit the installation of a generator for use with the existing cellular antennas and equipment at the Boxer Court Facility. (2013-M-104) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-507 at 10-15-2013 Town Board Meeting |
6. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 30-2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 198 (Zoning), Article XI (Conditional Uses; Supplementary Regulations) (Re: Telecommunication Facilities). (Local Law Introductory No. 30-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-508 at 10-15-2013 Town Board Meeting |
7. | Consider the execution of an extension of a license agreement with H&M Powles Marine Agency, Inc. to operate and provide marina and services on Board of Trustee Property in Cold Spring Harbor. (2013-BT-7) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-BT-7 at 10-15-2013 Town Board Meeting |
8. | Obtain comments on the Huntington Community Development Agency’s Proposed Consolidated Plan for fiscal year 2014. |
9. | 2013-512. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract for the hauling of Resource Recovery Facility Ash to the Town of Brookhaven Landfill with D.F. Stone Contracting Ltd. |
10. | 2013-513. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an amendment and extension to the Intermunicipal agreement for transportation and disposal of ash from the Huntington Resource Recovery Facility. |
11. | 2013-514. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract with Eastern Resource recycling, incorporated for the delivery of processible waste to the Huntington Resource Recovery Facility nunc pro tunc. |
12. | 2013-515. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract with Jet Sanitation Service, incorporated for the delivery of processible waste to the Huntington Resource Recovery Facility nunc pro tunc. |
13. | 2013-516. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract with Progressive Waste Solutions, incorporated for the delivery of processible waste to the Huntington Resource Recovery Facility nunc pro tunc. |
14. | 2013-517. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract with National Waste Services, LLC for the delivery of processible waste to the Huntington Resource Recovery Facility nunc pro tunc. |
15. | 2013-518. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract with Jamaica Ash and Rubbish Removal Company, Incorporated for the delivery of processible waste to the Huntington Resource Recovery Facility nunc pro tunc. |
16. | 2013-519. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a requirements contract for communication equipment repair with Telecom Communications, Inc. |
17. | 2013-520. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a requirements contract for Refuse Removal Service two Cubic Yard, Four Cubic Yard, Six Cubic Yard and Eight Cubic Yard containers with Jamaica Ash and rubbish removal, Co, Inc. and Progressive Waste Solutions of LI, Inc. |
18. | 2013-521. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract for the provision of professional ice skating instruction at the Dix Hills Park Ice Rink Facility. |
19. | 2013-522. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement with the Target Corporation to locate a Hart Bus Stop on the Huntington Station Target Store property. |
20. | 2013- 523. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement (nonfinancial) with the County of Suffolk Department of Health Services for the provision of referral services to the Town’s Youth Bureau for the term April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2018. |
21. | 2013-524. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a written directive-Upstate Renewal Contract with the New York State office of people with Developmental Disabilities for the continuation of funding for the Summer Camp for the Developmentally Disabled. |
22. | 2013-525. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a written directive-Upstate Renewal Contract with the New York State office of people with Developmental Disabilities for the continuation of funding for the Young Teen Program for the Developmentally Disabled. |
23. | 2013-526. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a license agreement to rent an apartment at Fuchs Pond Preserve in Northport, New York, nunc pro tunc. |
24. | 2013-527. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a license agreement with Long Island Rebels Junior Hockey Club, Inc. for the installation, operation and maintenance of a high definition camera system at the Dix Hills Ice Rink. |
25. | 2013-528. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to extend and execute an agreement with the New York State Catholic Health Plan Inc. D/B/A Fidelis Care New York and the Town of Huntington for the provision of Social Day Care Services through the Huntington Adult Day Care Program. |
26. | 2013-529. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a rental agreement with Pitney Bowes Global Financila Services for a postage meter for the Receiver of Taxes. |
27. | 2013-530. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to enter into a memorandum of understanding with Suffolk County office for the aging for twelve (12) tablet personal computers to be made available to senior citizens. |
28. | 2013-531. AUTHORIZE execution of a consent decree with the United States of America and the State of New York Re: Comprehensive Environment Response, Compensation and Liability Act (Cerla) Remediation of three acre portion of Veterans Nature Study Area. |
29. | 2013-532. AUTHORIZE the Comptroller to amend the 2013 Operating Budget for the Town of Huntington and its Special Districts – various departments. |
30. | 2013-533. AUTHORIZE the Comptroller to amend the 2013 Operating Budget and to appropriate funds from the General Reserve and Parks and Recreation Capital Improvement Reserve for the purpose of funding Capital Projects in lieu of bonding-Department of General Services. |
31. | 2013-534. AUTHORIZE the correction of code violations at various locations pursuant to the Code of the Town of Huntington. |
32. | 2013-535. AUTHORIZE the Town of Huntington to settle the matter of Cooper v. Town of Huntington. |
33. | 2013-536. AUTHORIZE the settlement of a lawsuit (Town of Huntington v. Robert Reuschenberg, as executor of the estate of Channing Reuschenberg, and Robert Reuschenberg, the Reuschenberg Family L.P. and Channing Supply Company). |
34. | 2013-537. AUTHORIZE the Town of Huntington to settle the matter of Inzerillo v. Town of Huntington. |
35. | 2013-538. AUTHORIZE settlement of a lawsuit (Town of Huntington v. Donald Pius and Comsail Corp., Et. Al). |
36. | 2013-539. AUTHORIZE the Town of Huntington to enter into a settlement agreement in the matter of Modica v. The Town of Huntington, Index #03/22984, and authorizing the Comptroller to amend the 2013 Operating and Capital Budget for the Town of Huntington and its special districts. |
37. | 2013-540. ACCEPT a drainage easement from Claudia D. Stone and Craig Stone for storm water pipeline replacement work of Town Drainage system located at 59A Idle Day Drive, Centerport, New York nunc pro tunc. |
38. | 2013-541. AMEND the Town Board’s prior authorization of the Long-Term Loan of the Town-Owned Mineral Collection, held and managed by the Heckscher Museum. |
39. | 2013-542. AMEND Town Board Resolution 2013-423 authorizing the Supervisor to execute contracts with the lowest responsible bidders for the storm debris removal equipment services contract for BID items one through ten. |
40. | 2013-543. DESIGNATE an equitable business opportunities (EBO) Liaison Officer for the Town of Huntington. |
41. | 2013-544. SUPPORT the “Community Sustainable Fisheries Initiative” developed by the villages of Northport and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County to culture ribbed mussels in Northport Harbor as a natural bio-filter to reduce the level of nitrogen and other algae causing pollutants. |
42. | 2013-545. URGE the United States Army Corps of Engineers to finalize the North Shore of Long Island Beach erosion control feasibility study for Asharoken, NY and urging Congress and the New York State Legislature to ensure that such funding is allocated in Fiscal Year 2014 and subsequent budget cycles as may be necessary to engineer and complete the project to rebuild Asharoken Beach. |
43. | 2013-546. ADOPT the Preliminary Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year commencing January 1, 2013. |
44. | 2013-547. ADOPT the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year commencing January 1, 2013. |
45. | 2013-548. ENACTMENT: ADOPT the Assessment Roll for the Huntington Sewer District. |
46. | 2013-549. ENACTMENT: ADOPT the Assessment Roll for the Centerport Sewer District. |
47. | 2013-550. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory Number 27-2013 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 3, Article II, 3-3, Schedule J. Re: Wolf Hill Road, Melville – Parking Restrictions. |
48. | 2013-551. ENACTMENT: APPROVE the issuance of a Certificate of Approval in a Historic District Re: 20 East Main Street, Huntington – Old Huntington Green Historic District. |
49. | 2013-552. AUTHORIZE appropriate action(s) in accordance with Huntington Town Code Chapter 156 property maintenance; nuisances, Article VII, Blighted property, 156-67, action by Town Board for failure to comply or abate violations. |
50. | 2013-553. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013, a Local Law to provide assessment and tax relief to property owners impacted by Superstorm Sandy. |
51. | 2013-554. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 87 (Building Construction), Article III (Building Permits) and Article IV (Certificates of Occupancy and of permitted use). |
52. | 2013-555. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory Number -2013, amending the Zoning Map on the Town Board’s own motion to change the Zoning map on the Town Board’s own motion to change the zoning from R-5 Residence District to C-1 Office-Residence District for the property located on the west side of Lowndes Avenue, between Railroad Street and Columbia Street, Huntington Station, SCTM #0400-140-03-(072, 073, 108, 109.003 & 117). |
53. | 2013-556. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory Number -2013, amending the Zoning map on the Town Board’s own motion to change the Zoning from C-6 General Business District to C-6 Huntington Station Overlay District for property located on the south side of Railroad Street, East of Lowndes Avenue, Huntington Station, SCTM #0400-147-01-005.003. |
54. | 2013-557. SCHEDULE A PULBIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory Number -2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 198 (Zoning), Article IV (Commercial Districts), Section 198-27.1 (C-6 Huntington Station Overlay District), to add a Special Use Permit for Hotels. |
55. | 2013-558. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 198 (Zoning), Article XX (Accessory Apartments). |
56. | 2013-559. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter A202 (Subdivision Regulations and Site Improvement Specifications). |
57. | 2013-560. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider authorizing various actions be taken upon certain properties designated as blighted in accordance with Chapter 156, Article VII, 156-60 (Blighted Property). |
58. | 2013-561. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending Town Code Chapter 198, Zoning, Article V, Industrial Districts 198-34, I-1 Light Industry District, F (4)(a) Restaurants. |
59. | 2013-562. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider an agreement for Crab Meadow and Dix Hills Golf Courses. |
60. | 2013-563. SCHEDULE regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Huntington for the Year 2014. |
61. | 2013-564. RESCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider issuing a Certificate of Approval in an Historic District Re: 56 Shore Road, Cold Spring Harbor – Cold Spring Harbor Historic District. |
62. | 2013-BT |
63. | 2013-CD8. AUTHORIZE the Chairman of the Huntington Community Development Agency to execute a contract with Jeffrey A. Hartman, P.E. Engineering Consultants for professional architectural services for the construction of Columbia Terrace, Huntington Station, NY. |
NOTICE FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED: A Sound Enhancement System is in place in the Town Board Room. To access it switch your hearing aid to the “T” (telephone) position. If your aid lacks a “T” switch or you do not wear a hearing aid you may contact the person at the desk outside the Town Board room for an assistive device to use with the hearing loop. This person will arrange for you to borrow the assistive device for the meeting. The assistive device must be returned at the end of the meeting.
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