Huntington Station Overlay District Expanding

Filed under: Around Town,Building & Development,Huntington Station,Investigations,News |

H.S. Parking LotOn December 10, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a public hearing to change the zoning of a parcel in Huntington Station from C-6 General Business to the less restrictive C-6 Huntington Station Overlay district.

The town board is considering a zoning change for a parking lot in Huntington Station located on the south side of Railroad Street, east of Lowndes Avenue, next to the Community First Aid Squad.

Renaissance Downtowns has examined the potential redevelopment of underutilized government-owned properties located in areas immediately surrounding the Huntington train station. They have determined that the split zoning of this parking lot may hinder the potential redevelopment of that parcel.

The eastern portion of the parking lot is owned by New York State and the western portion is owned by the Huntington Station Renewal Agency.  Both of these parcels are already zoned C-6 Huntington Station Overlay District.

We are in the process of trying to obtain an official map of the Huntington Station Overlay District. Previous FOIL attempts have been unsuccessful and the map does not appear to be available online. Renaissance Downtowns did not have an official map available.  We have submitted another request to the town planning department.

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3 Responses to Huntington Station Overlay District Expanding

  1. Try to FOIL information about MTA acquiring Nassau/Suffolk Lumber, on Broadway, for a rail yard. This site has long been on the MTA wish list which conveniently is within the TOD project/Brownfield Opportunity area.
    Thankfully, this site has a copy of that report, titled “Huntington Station Transportation Hub Nomination study” from June 2010. The above site is mentioned on page 4, heading: BOA Sub Area #4-Braodway.
    This report was paid for by us taxpayers 😉

    November 12, 2013 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm

    This link above is for the Brownfield report that is mentioned in the post above.
    We believe it was intentionally kept secret from the public. You can read more about that here.

    Ilene Fucci - Editor
    November 13, 2013 5:51 am at 5:51 am

  3. Thank you Ilene for all you do. Hopefully others will see it and realise just how shady the Town Board has been, minus Mayoka and Cook who were not a part of this.
    Now Petrone and Cuthbertson can spend the next four years doing what they do best, favors for their “pals” and serving their own self interest and greed.
    They may have bamboozled most of this town but karma has a way of taking care of the dishonest.

    November 13, 2013 11:18 pm at 11:18 pm

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