Message From Americans For Legal Reform

Filed under: Around Town,News,Politics |

The oldest most successful legal group in the world begins its 21st year. During these last 21 years, we have assisted those frustrated with the legal system. We provide information and educate litigants regarding court procedures. There have been many complaints about the conditions that exist in our legal system. Now is the time to work with the system to make the necessary changes.

Some of our Goals:

  1. Abolish self-regulation of lawyers, establish effective consumer protection against lawyers, and make client complaints against lawyers public knowledge.
  2. Open discipline hearing to the public.
  3. New York State court system must adopt electronic recording for all court proceedings similar to 17 other states.
  4. Criminalize PERJURY during divorce proceedings with special attention on financial misstatements presented to the court. District attorney’s office should prosecute violators.
  5. Trustees in Federal Bankruptcy court should be prohibited from using attorneys associated with their own law firm or law firms where there are internecine relationships.
  6. NO American should have his case heard before a judge to whom either attorney has made a political contribution.

IT IS NO SECRET that our judicial system is a shadow of what it should be. Unfortunately, far too many of us tend to deny this fact until we ourselves, become victims. It is then that we become outraged at the problem’s that have persisted for far too long; a situation that has taken a devastating toll on our citizens.

For the past ten years we have been providing court watching services, principally to people who feel overpowered by the system and intimidated by the courts. We are working with law schools to establish a program for law students to accompany our court watchers to view firsthand what a defendant experiences. Hopefully, they will be more sympathetic to their clients in the future. Also, we have organized seminars at local libraries to inform the public on a wide range of legal issues that exist so that the public may prepare themselves.

If you love America, for the sake of your loved ones and future generations, please act now by giving your time, money, or both.

Our next public meeting before the new year will be December 3, 2013 at the PLAINVIEW OLD-BETHPAGE LIBRARY AT  7:00 PM.

       We are also available for private lectures. Contact us for more information at 631-423-6390 or Email:

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