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1. | Consider issuing a Certificate of Approval in a Historic District Re: 56 Shore Road, Cold Spring Harbor – Cold Spring Harbor Historic District. (Applicant: 56 Partes Tres, LLC; SCTM #0400-016.00-02.00-004.000 (2013-ZC-14-Ch. 198) Rescheduled as per Resolution 2013-564 at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
2. | Consider authorizing various actions be taken upon certain properties designated as blighted in accordance with Chapter 156, Article VII, 156-60 (Blighted Property). SCTM #’S 0400-252.00-03.00-085.000; 0400-138.00-03.00-023.000) (2013-M-108) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-560 at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
3. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 32-2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 87 (Building Construction), Article III (Building Permits) and Article IV (Certificates of Occupancy and of Permitted Use). (Local Law Introductory No. 32-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-554 at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
4. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 33-2013, amending the Zoning Map on the Town Board’s own motion to change the zoning from R-5 Residence District to C-1 Office-Residence District for the property located on the west side of Lowndes Avenue, between Railroad Street and Columbia Street, Huntington Station, SCTM #0400-140-03-(072, 073, 108, 109.003 & 117). (Local Law Introductory No. 33-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-555 at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
5. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 34-2013, amending the Zoning Map on the Town Board’s own motion to change the zoning from C-6 General Business District to C-6 Huntington Station Overlay District for property located on the south side of Railroad Street, east of Lowndes Avenue, Huntington Station, SCTM #0400-147-01-005.003. (Local Law Introductory No. 34-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-556 at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
6. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 35-2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 198 (Zoning), Article IV (Commercial Districts), Section 198-27.1 (C-6 Huntington Station Overlay District), to add a Special Use Permit for Hotels. (Local Law Introductory No. 35-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-557at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
7. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 36-2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter A202 (Subdivision Regulations and Site Improvement Specifications). (Local Law Introductory No. 36-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-559 at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
8. | Consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. 37-2013, amending Town Code Chapter 198, Zoning, Article V, Industrial Districts 198-34, I-1 Light Industry District, F. (4)(a) Restaurants. (Local Law Introductory No. 37-2013) Scheduled as per Resolution 2013-561 at 11-07-2013 Town Board Meeting |
9. | 2013-567. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract with Cullen & Danowski, LLP, to perform auditing and accounting services for the Town of Huntington and to execute a contract with Fuoco Group, LLP, to perform auditing and accounting services for the Huntington Human Services Institute, Cultural Affairs Institute and Youth Bureau Institute, and appoint each as official Town Auditors to perform said accounting and auditing services for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2013. |
10. | 2013-568. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a contract for a parking ticket management system with Brekford Corporation. |
11. | 2013-569. AUTHORIZE the execution of a requirements contract for the Well Pump and mechanical maintenance 2014-2016 for the Dix Hills Water District with Atlantic Wells, Inc. |
12. | 2013-570. AUTHORIZE the execution of an amendment to the contract for the improvements to the secondary digester at the Huntington Sewage Treatment Plant with R.J. Industries, Inc. |
13. | 2013-571. AUTHORIZE the execution of an agreement to purchase the demonstration model atlas COPCO enhanced scope blower at the Huntington Sewage Treatment Plant with Atlas Copco Compressors LLC. |
14. | 2013-572. AUTHORIZE the execution of an agreement with Holzmacher, McLendon, & Murrell P.C. to provide annual engineering retainer services for 2014 for the Huntington and Centerport Sewer Districts. |
15. | 2013-573. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement with Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. to provide Annual Engineering Services for 2014 for the Dix Hills Water District. |
16. | 2013-574. AUTHORIZE the execution of an agreement with H2M Labs, Inc. to provide annual laboratory services for 2014 for the Dix Hills Water District. |
17. | 2013-575. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an extension to the agreement for facilities management services at the Crab Meadow Golf Course and the Dix Hills Golf Course with KemperSports Management, Inc. |
18. | 2013-576. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement with ACT as if for the rental of the classrooms at Coindre Hall for an etiquette and protocol program. |
19. | 2013-577. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute agreements for the provision of various Youth Services on behalf of the Youth Bureau for the Year 2014. |
20. | 2013-578. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute agreements on behalf of the Department of Human Services for the Year 2014. |
21. | 2013-579. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute agreements on behalf of the division of cultural affairs for the Year 2014. |
22. | 2013-580. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute agreements for meeting places for Senior Citizens of the Town of Huntington. |
23. | 2013-581. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the Town of Huntington and the Huntington Human Services Institute, Inc. for the purpose of implementing the 2014 Black History and Hispanic Heritage programs. |
24. | 2013-582. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an agreement with USI Consulting Group for actuarial consulting services-Department of Audit and Control. |
25. | 2013-583. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a change to the existing contract for the rehabilitation of the LIRR South Parking Garage with structural preservation systems, LLC. |
26. | 2013-584. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute a New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Equitable Business Opportunities (EBO) system user agreement and to submit an application for an EBO System Log-In/Password, nunc pro tunc. |
27. | 2013-585. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Babylon for the paving of part of Arcadia Drive, Dix Hills nunc pro tunc. |
28. | 2013-586. AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to submit an application for an Entitlement Grant of Community Development Block Grant Funds under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and authorizing all assurances connected with said application. |
29. | 2013-587. AUTHORIZE the Town Attorney to retain the services of James P. Clark, Esq. as Special Outside Counsel in the Fields of Labor and Contract Law. |
30. | 2013-588. AUTHORIZE the Comptroller to amend the 2013 Operating Budget for the Town of Huntington and its Special Districts – Various Departments. |
31. | 2013-589. AUTHORIZE the Huntington Town Clerk, as the licensing agent for NYSDEC Sporting Licenses, to execute all necessary documents in connection with the NYSDEC DECALS system. |
32. | 2013-590. AUTHORIZE the correction of Code Violations at various locations pursuant to the Code of the Town of Huntington. |
33. | 2013-591. AUTHORIZE the settlement of a lawsuit (Donna Jones v. Town of Huntington, et. al.) |
34. | 2013-592. CONSIDER authorizing the settlement of a lawsuit (Fair Housing in Huntington Committee, et al. v. Town of Huntington, et al). |
35. | 2013-593. ACCEPT the dedication of Samara Court, Sophie Court, two pedestrian walkways and four drainage easements for the subdivision known as Manorwood Estates Section 2. |
36. | 2013-594. APPOINT individuals to serve as volunteers in the handicapped parking enforcement program. |
37. | 2013-595. APPOINT the Director of Maritime Services as the Town’s liaison with Suffolk County to coordinate the planning required to execute a successful dredging plan for Huntington waters. |
38. | 2013-596. ESTABLISH the standard work days for Elected Officials and appointed personnel for New York State and Local Retirement System reporting purposes. |
39. | 2013-597. EXEMPT Sprint Spectrum Realty Company (“Sprint”) pursuant to 198-68.1 (O) of the Huntington Town Code for work at Wolf Hill Road, Huntington, New York. |
40. | 2013-598. WAIVE parking meter fees in the downtown shopping area known as Huntington Village and authorizing the installation of Holiday type lights and decorations during the Holiday Season in various areas nunc pro tunc. |
41. | 2013-599. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory Number 28-2013 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 2, Article IV, 2-7, Schedule G. Re: Roberta Lane, Commack; Clearview Street, Holst Drive West, Penataquit Place, Huntington – Stop Signs. |
42. | 2013-600. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory Number 29-2013 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 3, Article II, 3-3, Schedule J. Re: Old Walt Whitman Road, Melville -Parking Restrictions. |
43. | 2013-601. AUTHORIZE appropriate action(s) in accordance with Huntington Town Code Chapter 156 Property Maintenance; Nuisances, Article VII, Blighted Property, 156-67, action by Town Board for failure to comply or abate violations. |
44. | 2013-602. ENACTMENT: AUTHORIZE the Supervisor to execute an amendment to the license agreement with Cellular Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Wireless to permit the installation of a generator for use with the existing cellular antennas and equipment at the Boxer Court Facility. |
45. | 2013-603. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory Number 30-2013 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 198 (Zoning), Article XI (Conditional Uses; Supplementary Regulations) (Re: Telecommunication Facilities). |
46. | 2013-604. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory Number 32-2013 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 87 (Building Construction), Article III (Building Permits) and Article IV (Certificates of Occupancy and of Permitted Use). |
47. | 2013-605. ENACTMENT: ADOPT Local Law Introductory No. 36-2013, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter A202 (Subdivision Regulations and Site Improvement Specifications). |
48. | 2013-606. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider adopting Local Law Introductory No. -2013 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 2, Article IV, 2-7, Schedule G. Re: Walt Whitman Road, Melville – Stop Signs. |
49. | 2013-607. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider authorizing various actions be taken upon certain properties designated as Blighted in accordance with Chapter 156, Article VII, 156-60 (Blighted Property). |
50. | 2013-608. SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING: To consider amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 4, 4-1, Schedule K Re: Parking at Private Fields. |
51. | 2013-BT8. ENACTMENT: APPROVE the execution of an extension of a license agreement with H&M Powles Marine Agency, Inc. to operate and provide Marina and related services on Board of Trustee property in Cold Spring Harbor. |
52. | 2013-CD9. AUTHORIZE Huntington artist Lucienne Pereira to lead in the painting of a mural for the north wall of 1264 New York Avenue, Huntington Station and supporting the artist’s application for grant funding in connection therewith. |
53. | 2013-CD10. AUTHORIZE the Chairman to execute a contract with Cullen & Danowski, LLP Certified Public Accountants, to conduct an independent audit for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2013. |
54. | 2013-LCD2. AUTHORIZE the Chairman to execute a contract with Cullen & Danowski, LLP, Certified Public Accountants, to conduct and independent audit for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2013. |
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