Halesite FD Blood Drive

Filed under: Around Town,Halesite,Health & Wellness,News |

Halesite Fire DepartmentDear Neighbors,

Dan McConnell - ChiefThe Halesite Fire Department’s Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting the Long Island Blood Service early in the New Year to conduct our annual winter blood drive. Please join us on Friday, January 10, 2014 from 3:30 pm – 8:00 pm, to donate blood.

Donating blood is literally giving the gift of life. Each day, patients in our region need close to 2,000 people to roll up their sleeves to give the gift of life. Without donors, our community would not have an adequate blood supply. When one person donates a unit of blood, it can be separated into individual components to save multiple lives. Blood donors help meet the daily transfusion needs of cancer and surgery patients, accident and burn victims, newborns and mothers delivering babies, AIDS and sickle cell anemia patients, and many more. And don’t worry; you have plenty of blood to spare. Most adults have between 8 to 12 pints of blood and can easily spare 1 pint which is all that is taken during blood donations.

All donors must be 17 years of age or older (or 16 with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and be feeling “in good health” on the day of donation. You must have your photo ID on you, and be prepared to spend about 30-45 minutes in the donation process.

All donors will receive 2 free Mets tickets, as well as light refreshments served up by our Ladies Auxiliary.

Please join your friends and neighbors in donating blood and starting off the New Year right.

Happy New Year!

Dan McConnell
Chief of Department

P: 631.427.1910  |  1 North New York Ave. Halesite, NY 11743
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