Huntington Author Book Signing & Fundraiser

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Huntington resident James A. Perez will be signing his debut middle grade fantasy adventure novel, Maia and Icarus, with all author proceeds to benefit global literacy organization, Room to Read. The fundraiser will take place at Book Revue in Huntington village on Friday, January 24, 2014 at 7pm.

Maia & IcarusMaia and Icarus tells the story of a Long Island middle school student who reluctantly answers a call to adventure…
Maia Peterson was expecting the summer after seventh grade to be rather ordinary. But when a fire damages her home, a secret is revealed that lands Maia halfway across the world in Greece. Before long, another secret is exposed – there is a hidden world in which the gods of Olympus continue to reign – and Maia finds herself in the middle of an age-old conflict between feuding gods. In order to survive, will Maia defy fate and dare to fly?

Raised in Floral Park, New York, James A. Perez has worked in the field of education for over twenty years with children of all ages. His first novel, Maia and Icarus, grew out of his love for Greek mythology and a desire to explore the epic journey of a young heroine. He lives on Long Island with his family, including his niece, Maia.

Room to Read is a global organization seeking to transform the lives of millions of children in Asia and Africa by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Room to Read works in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations and governments to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children and to ensure girls have the skills and support needed to complete their secondary education. Since 2000, Room to Read has impacted the lives of more than seven million children and aims to reach 10 million children by 2015. Learn more at

To learn more about the event click here.

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