Copenhagen Bakery Helps Local Family

Filed under: Around Town,Commack School District,Northport |

BakeryBy Benda Lentsch

A third grade student at Burr Intermediate School in Commack, Vincent Baldi, suffers from Dystonia, a painful neurological movement disorder, in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures. According to his teachers, “Vincent is an inspiration.”

In the fall Vincent’s teachers organized a Thanksgiving pie fundraiser and partnered with Copenhagen Bakery in Northport to support Vincent and his family with their battle.  The fundraiser afforded Vincent some assistive technology for use at home. The staff at Copenhagen bakery went the extra mile, and have shown the Commack community that they are more than just an outstanding local bakery. The bakery anonymously adopted Vincent through the holiday season.  Its collection was in addition to the initial fundraiser and quite a surprise.

Vincent and the staff at Copenhagen recently met Vincent and his family. Vincent presented a certificate from Burr School, signed by Principal, Rhonda Pratt, to the staff at Copenhagen acknowledging their kindness.  The Baldi family continues to struggle to find answers for Vincent’s condition, but is constantly grateful for the support they have received from everyone in the community.  This was certainly a sweet act of kindness for a sweet young man.

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