HHS PTSA Spreads “It Can Wait” Message


The Huntington High School PTSA is gearing up for one of its biggest weeks of the year. The organization plans to launch an educational campaign about the dangers of distracted driving. Students are the intended audience, but the message is an important one for the whole community to hear.

STOP Texting & Driving

“Texting and driving has surpassed drinking and driving as the leading cause of death and accidents among teens. This is not just a teen problem, adults are just as guilty. As parents, our children are in our driving school for the first 16 years of their lives. Using the excuse of ‘do what I say, not as I do’ is not helping this deadly epidemic. It’s up to this generation to help change the next.”

Karen Torres  Texting Awareness Foundation

 When: Tuesday March 25

Where: Huntington High School

Time: 7 pm

 Is it Worth a Life ?. . . Don’t Text and Drive.”

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