Comedy Night At Halesite’s Hook and Ladder Company

Filed under: Around Town,Arts & Entertainment,Events,Halesite,News |

Halesite FDDear Friends and Neighbors,

It is my pleasure to let you know that Halesite’s Hook and Ladder Company will be hosting a Comedy Night Fundraiser on Saturday, April 5th at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $40/person and are for sale to those 21 and older. You can purchase individual tickets or you can purchase a table (8-10 seats). The price includes dinner, beverages, the comedy show, and door prize raffle tickets. Dinner is cooked by the firemen and this year’s menu theme is BBQ. If last year’s group is any indication, the four comedians provided by “Comedy to Go” should have everyone roaring with laughter soon after the show starts.

For more information or to purchase tickets, please call the firehouse at (631) 427-1910. You can also send email requests to

Thank you in advance for your support.

Dan McConnell
Chief of Department

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