Live Grateful Dead Music at Vanderbilt, September 27

Filed under: Arts & Entertainment,Centerport,Concerts,Events,News |

Grateful DeadThe fourth annual Grateful Fest, the popular outdoor Grateful Dead tribute-band concert, will be held Sunday, September 27, from 12:00 to 6:30 p.m. on the Great Lawn, west of the Vanderbilt Mansion, overlooking Northport Bay and Long Island Sound.

Proceeds will benefit Vanderbilt Museum education programs. (Rain date: October 4). The Vanderbilt is located at 180 Little Neck Road, Centerport, NY.

Thirty artists will paint to live music by regional Grateful Dead tribute bands Half Step, The Electrix, Reckoning and Unbroken Chain. Concert-goers bring beach chairs, blankets and picnic lunches. Tickets: adults $25 on-line, $35 at door; children 5-15 $10 on-line or at door; children under 5 free.

Click here to purchase tickets.
Rich Rivkin — who produces the Grateful Fest as well as the annual Woodstock Revival concert — says “Grateful Fest is where the vibe attracts the tribe! Your eyes and ears will thank your brain.”

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