Huntington Board Approves New Operator for Town Golf Courses

Filed under: Events,Government,Heart of the Community,Huntington,News,Politics |

Owner of popular Huntington steakhouse tapped to run Crab Meadow food concessions


The Huntington Town Board, at its January 10, 2017 meeting, approved a new operator for the Town’s two municipal golf courses, Crab Meadow and Dix Hills Park, and for the food concessions at Crab Meadow.

After a review of responses to requests for proposals submitted in December, Dietz Golf Corp. of Calverton was selected to manage the golf operations and Gelucci Brands LLC of Huntington was chosen to manage the food concessions. They replace Integrity Golf, whose license was rescinded by the Town last year.

Under the five-year license agreements, Dietz will pay the Town $270,000 and Gelucci $220,000, for a total revenue to the Town of $490,000 over that period.

Steven Dietz, the principal in Dietz Golf Corp., has worked in the golf and catering industries for 25 years. A Hofstra University graduate, his experience ranges from overseeing golf operations at New York City courses to some of the most exclusive private clubs on Long Island. Dietz’ relationship with Huntington began in 2004 when became general manager at Crab Meadow for a previous operator.

Mark Gelish, the principal in Gelucci Brands, owns Mac’s Steakhouse in Huntington and operates the food service at the Huntington Yacht Club. A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, he has more than 40 years of experience in the restaurant business.

In other action, the Town Board:

— rezoned property on the north side of Jericho Turnpike at Valmont Avenue to allow for construction of a QuickChek convenience market with gas pumps on the site of the former Northport Ford.

— authorized the purchase of the 0.7-acre Marchais property at 1 Hill Place, Huntington,  as an addition to Mill Dam Park, at a cost of $105,000. The Town has sought the parcel since the 1970s, when several other parcels adjacent to Mill Dam Park were acquired. The funding is coming from the Environmental Open Space Land and Park Improvements Reserve Fund.

— extended the contract with Leventhal, Mullaney & Blinkoff to serve as legal advisor to the Town’s Ethics Board.

— approved rolling over the $17,045.23 in unused funds from the 2016 budget into 2017 for public art projects. There are no allocations for public art in the 2017 budget. This continues a practice of rolling over unspent public art appropriations into the next budget year.

— continued the policy of supplementing the salary of Town employees summoned to active military duty from the reserves so that they continue to receive their current rate of remuneration while they are actively deployed.

— appointed Roger Weaving and James McGoldrick and reappointed Cheryl Grossman to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board.

— reappointed Jeffrey J. Stark and Randolph W. Spelman as chairman and vice chairman, respectively, of the Board of Assessment Review.

— set a February 7 public hearing on a proposal to revise the definition of congregate care and to establish a special use permit process for such facilities.

— set February 7 public hearings on proposals to impose “No Standing” regulations on two Huntington streets, Floral Avenue and Nash Place, where residents have complained that automobile carriers unloading vehicles for local dealerships have blocked access and created unsafe conditions.


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