Campaign Fraud In Huntington – Possible?

The below text messages from known Republican campaign staff of supervisor candidate, Edmund Smyth, are disgraceful and a prime example of unethical and possible illegal politics.  The fact that any campaign staffer believes they can use intimidation and threats to force town employees to campaign on behalf of their candidate comes from the top of the campaign; in this case Edmund Smyth.

Disclaimer – the texts we received from a Town Hall source, we blacked out the names and nasty language, to protect the victim.
These messages make it clear that town employees’ jobs are being threatened if they won’t or can’t help on the Republican supervisor campaign. In New York State it’s illegal that an employer discriminates against an employee due to political activities as long as it doesn’t create a conflict of interest.  In this case, there is not only a legal issue at play, but ethical and moral conflicts. As an attorney, Smyth knows that this is ethically wrong and illegal.
I didn’t bother to request a comment as I know Mr. Smyth won’t take ownership or responsibility for this matter; as he wanted us to think he was unaware that his employees both at the town and his law office were orchestrating a take over of the Working Family primary for the Republican slate’s benefit.
According to a Town Hall source a formal complaint has been filed with Human Resource/Personnel Director, Lisa M. Baisley.
The 2017 “New Direction” was a direction down a path of corruption, cover ups and immoral behaviors in the town of Huntington with Chad Lupanacci and his Deputy Supervisor Ed Smyth at the wheel.  Huntington politics have stooped to a new low that should bring investigation. Maybe the New York State Attorney General Public Integrity Bureau and the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office should look at this? To not only protect our town’s employees from political abuse, but also the Huntington taxpayers as these tactics will be used on Huntington residents and business owners next.   I also believe that the Suffolk County Bar Association should investigate these attorneys as there is no excuse that they would knowingly violate the laws of the state of New York. I am appalled by this behavior in our town; true Huntingtonians do not act like this. Epenetus Platt  is turning over in his grave as one of our 1st public servants in Huntington. God bless Huntington, NY.
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