Are You Sure We Need More Affordable Housing In Huntington Station?

Filed under: Around Town,Investigations,News |

There are currently 66 houses for sale in Huntington Station that are under $250,000. Listed below are the asking prices, so they could probably be purchased for even less. It would seem logical to work toward getting people into some of these homes instead of continuing to spend millions of dollars knocking down houses and building at higher density. The last thing we need is to add more to the existing housing stock when, what is currently for sale is not moving, and new listings are added so often.

Lets figure out how to use the money that is allocated from the restore NY grants or Take back the Block Fund for down payment assistance, especially around the Jack Abrams Community. The buyer wins, the seller wins, the community wins.

For what it would cost to build the 16 additional units that is proposed on Lowndes, we could give a 20% down payment to many people who want to be home owners and give sellers the opportunity to sell their homes.

We have heard talk that the HHA or CDA is discussing the possibilities of buying most of Allison Court from Don Pius.  We are guessing, what it would cost to buy those houses and refurbish them, we could give 20% down payment assistance for every house that is available for under $250,000 in Huntington Station, especially if we add in available grant money.  There have been so many mistakes made and so many lost opportunities for true revitalization of Huntington Station.  By helping to place individuals and families in these affordable homes, we can begin to move our town in the right direction.

Click a yellow icon to see the asking price and taxes.

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