Birchwood Souper Bowl Scores a Win

Filed under: Around Town,News,South Huntington Union Free School District |


Story and photo by Steve Bartholomew 

During the week leading up to Sunday’s big game, Birchwood Intermediate school’s students, teachers and community participated in their own big event. To celebrate Super Bowl Sunday and to show how much Birchwood cares, the school sponsored their own ‘Souper’ Bowl by collecting soup cans that were donated to the Huntington Community Food Council. All week long the pile of soup cans got bigger and higher. “Principal Ciccarelli and I are always so proud of our students and the Birchwood community,” said Assistant Principal Mr. Steven Toto as the cans were boxed up and ready for delivery.  “They are always coming together to help the less fortunate in our community.”  Students gathered for a photo as the last of the soup cans got packed away. Way to go Birchwood, Go Giants!

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