“Cash Mob” To Support Local Business

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Initiative is Part Of Buy Local Campaign

It’s time to grab your money, get prepared for some great fun and meet us downtown as the Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce’s Village Merchants Committee supports a new trend in “Buying Local” by initiating a monthly “Cash Mob” at local businesses in Huntington Village. 

The concept is simple – get a “mob” of people together to meet and shop at a local merchant. The first “Cash Mob” will be held on Thursday, February 16 at 6 p.m. at Value Drugs, located at 349 New York Avenue in Huntington. Refreshments will be served and all participants will receive a 20% discount on their bill.

“If everyone spends some amount of money during the ‘Cash Mob,’ this will have a positive impact on our village and its merchants. But more importantly, it reminds people to ‘Buy Local,’” said Patricia Grant, Chair of the Chamber’s Village Merchants Committee. “This innovative program will not only show support for local business but also remind residents just how committed the Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce is to supporting local merchants. The more people we can get there, the bigger impact we can make.”

According to Chamber officials, Value Drugs was selected to kick-off this campaign because Peter Pastorelli, owner of Value Drugs, has been one of the Chamber’s biggest supporters.  In addition, Value Drugs is one of the Chamber’s longest standing members. Peter Pastorelli, Sr. preceded his son on the Chamber Board of Directors and currently serves on the Advisory Board. Presently, Peter Pastorelli, Jr. is one of the Huntington Chamber’s volunteer block captains and a recent addition to the Village Merchants Committee. “He is always willing to take on whatever we need him to do and this was one waywe could give back,” Grant added. The “Cash Mob” idea was the recommendation of David Walsdorf a Huntington Chamber Board Member and local business owner of Walsdorf Insurance after he saw the successful program take place on the West Coast.

For more information on the “Cash Mob,” call (631) 423-6100.

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