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Photo above (Pictured from left to right): Phil Dorsinvil, Anthony Vlachos, Lester Branch, Katherine Krupp, Chairwoman – Minority Business Development Council, County Executive Steve Bellone, John D. Parker, Pamela D. Parker, Henry Holley
On February 23, 2012, County Executive Steve Bellone presented a proclamation to John D. Parker of D. Parker and Sons in honor of the company’s 100thyear anniversary. D. Parker and Sons is the oldest African American family owned business in Suffolk County.
“It is my honor to present a proclamation during the celebration of Black History Month to the oldest African American family owned business in Suffolk County,” said County Executive Steve Bellone. “D. Parker and Sons serves a shining example that even in the midst of adversity if you continue to be persistent, dedicated and work hard you can achieve your dreams. I wish D. Parker and Sons continued success and thank them for serving as model of excellence for minority owned businesses.”
D. Parker and Sons was incorporated in 1911 and at that time specialized in white washing. Currently they serve as a contracting company with state certified diverse trade capabilities.
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