Letter From HUFSD Superintendent Jim Polansky

Filed under: Huntington Union Free School District |

April 30, 2012 

Dear Huntington Students, Staff, Parents and Community Members: 

It is hard to believe that May is right around the corner and that the final quarter of the school year is underway. I’d like to commend the staff at Flower Hill, Jefferson, Southdown, Washington, Woodhull and Finley on their diligence in preparing students and on seamlessly administering the state English Language Arts and math assessments during the past two weeks; I applaud the students for their tremendous effort and concentration. The focus on student achievement within each building has been apparent and unwavering throughout the school year.

I’d also like to commend the students and staff at Huntington High School on continuing to demonstrate their hard work both in and beyond the classroom. The Distinguished Seniors Dinner held last Thursday featured the accomplishments of over five dozen considerably talented and dedicated students. Their achievements are inspiring, yes, but equally as moving was the manner in which they honored teachers from buildings throughout the district for the lasting impact that those teachers have had on their academic lives. Listening to the teachers speak, in turn, about the honored students left few dry eyes in the room.

Students in each one of our buildings continue to make strides every day. We can attribute this progress to their efforts and the efforts of their teachers and administrators, but also to the guiding influence they experience at home. We remain grateful to Huntington parents and community members for the ongoing support that they provide to our students and schools. As I’ve indicated several times before, my hope is that the school-home-community partnership in Huntington will continue to broaden and strengthen. We will be significantly better prepared to tackle the challenges that lie ahead if we remain unified, focused on the district’s short and long term goals, and mindful of the fact that the children are our first and foremost priority.

As a district, we continue to direct our attention to articulation across the grade levels so that our students are presented with a coordinated program throughout their academic years in Huntington. Considerable curriculum work is planned for the coming months to foster additional progress in this regard and to further align our programs with the national Common Core Learning Standards. In addition, we will continue poring over formative and summative data in an effort to better inform and individualize our instructional approaches. It is also critical that we remain current with respect to technology. The primary schools have successfully integrated the use of laptop computers within core instructional areas. Furthermore, certain classes have been provided with the opportunity to augment their learning through the use of iPads and associated applications. 

For those who have had the opportunity to attend Board of Education and/or PTA meetings throughout the year, you are aware of the fact that the 2012-2013 school budget has been prepared and adopted within the constraints imposed by the newly required legislation placing a cap on the tax levy. On a personal note, let me express my appreciation to all who contributed their insight and feedback during the budget development process. Please be reminded that the public hearing of the adopted budget will take place during the Board meeting to be held on Monday, May 7 at 7:30 PM in the Jack Abrams School auditorium. Also be reminded that the annual budget vote and election will be held on Tuesday, May 15 from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM at Huntington High School.

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. With the time pressures that I know all of you must face, please accept my sincerest thanks for everything you do in support of the Huntington school community, and for consistently reaffirming our collective commitment to providing a high quality education for all students.



Jim Polansky
Superintendent of Schools


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