The following are the Village of Huntington Bay results for the June 19, 2012 elections:
Morrow: 68
Meyer: 61 Two year term
Rave: 66 Two year term
Spada: 66 One year term
Blank: 22
Joseph Rossbotham 1 vote for Mayor
3 voided ballots (they were not properly voted)
Total number of voters: 74
After the election Mayor Herb Morrow stated, “I want to thank all of the residents in Huntington Bay for their continued vote of confidence in choosing to have me serve as their Mayor. We had a particularly tough year with the State Tax Cap imposition and challenges with our budget. We created a plan that included an override of the State Tax Cap and we produced a three year restructuring plan that will reduce taxes in this Village while continuing quality Village services, having a professional and dedicated police department, supporting a strong Village Code and communicating with our residents. I am looking forward to working with our Board to protect the future of Huntington Bay and I will continue to be a voice for smaller, and more responsive government in the Town, County and State”.
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