Breaking News: Call for Abolishing Elected Highway Superintendent Withdrawn

Filed under: Investigations,News |

The Town of Huntington issues this statement with respect to departmental restructuring:

‘There was a productive meeting today with relevant department heads to discuss how,through cooperation and sharing, the Town could realize significant savings in the areas of maintaining Town roads and Town facilities without changing the organizational structure of Town departments. Among the areas identified were centralizing equipment repair, cross utilizing facilities, integrating technology and coordinating back office functions. Teams will begin meeting next week to identify specific programs and savings. There was agreement that the departments can and will move forward together to achieve the similar goals of providing services most efficiently and economically to Town residents. In light of the progress at this meeting and the desire to move forward together. Supervisor Petrone has withdrawn his call of a special Town board meeting to consider governmental reorganization measures. We look forward to continued progress in this important area of Town government.”

Attending the meeting were: Supervisor Frank P. Petrone, Highway Superintendent
William Naughton, Councilman Eugene Cook, Town Attorney John Leo, Interim Comptroller
Andrew Persich and Director of General Services Thom Boccard.

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2 Responses to Breaking News: Call for Abolishing Elected Highway Superintendent Withdrawn

  1. Our first stand against King Frank. Victory! Just over 450 days until he is voted out and the tyranny ends.

    August 17, 2012 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm

  2. Now if Petrone would just give the order to all town depts to hand over any and all financial information that councilmen want – without making them FOIL and being denied the papers!!!!!!

    As elected officials, our town board shouldn’t be forced to FOIL to get the information they need to make informed decisions.

    My Town Too
    August 18, 2012 9:56 am at 9:56 am

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