Councilman Cook Denied Access To Resumes For Comptroller’s Position

Filed under: Around Town,Investigations,News |

Today, Tuesday October 16, 2012, Councilman Eugene Cook had to FOIL information from Lisa Baisley, Town Personnel Officer for Huntington after requesting copies of the resumes received for the Town Comptroller’s position.  The first request of Lisa Baisley was on October 5, 2012 and yesterday Councilman Cook requested that Supervisor Petrone assist him in this matter.  As a Town of Huntington Councilman, Eugene Cook stated “Considering the hard economic times the Town of Huntington is in with a budget shortfall, I believe that as a Councilman it is my duty to the Taxpayer to assure them that the most qualified individuals are in the leadership roles in the all our departments.”

‘I have attached a copy of my request and the emails regarding this matter for the Taxpayers of Huntington to review and understand that I plan on working diligently on their behalf”.

Supervisor Petrone was asked about the situation and his response was “no comment.”

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5 Responses to Councilman Cook Denied Access To Resumes For Comptroller’s Position

  1. Time for our bloated Supervisor and the incumbants on the board to GO!!!

    October 17, 2012 4:41 pm at 4:41 pm

  2. Why would a councilperson need to get involved in the hiring of personnel? As if Mr. Cook is qualified to evaluate the private resumes of applicants? That’s why government has a civil service department. Maybe he has some other agenda here.

    October 18, 2012 12:17 am at 12:17 am

  3. Good morning wunderpet AKA local political lapdog.

    The question is not why does Mr Cook want access to information he should not have to FOIL in the first place (as an elected representative of the people.) the question is why is the request being denied as an elected representative of the people . NO ONE should be denied a FOIL request regardless of who they are but when it is a representative we put in office you should be a little concerned as to why.

    October 18, 2012 7:20 am at 7:20 am

  4. Pingback: Petrone Staffers Support Lifson to Primary Cook | The Huntingtonian

  5. Pingback: Petrone Staffers Support Lifson to Primary Cook | The Huntingtonian

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