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Huntington Supervisor Frank P. Petrone announces that he is opening the Town’s Village Green Senior Center as a shelter for persons affected by Hurricane Sandy and the upcoming storm.
Supervisor Petrone’s action followed the announcement that Walt Whitman High School would no longer be available as a shelter and that the American Red Cross would be consolidating its shelter operations at St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue.
“For Huntingtonians, Patchogue is a long way to travel, especially when gasoline supplies are tight. Especially with cold weather tonight and a second storm approaching, we don’t want anyone who feels they need a shelter to stay at home in the cold beause of the distrance they would have to travel.”
Supevisor Petrone contacted the Huntington YMCA, which readily agreed to make their gymnasium in their portion of the building available as a sleeping area for persons wishing to spend the night. The Red Cross agreed to provide cots, supplies and staff for the shelter.
“I thank the YMCA and the Red Cross for quickly joining the Town in this effort,” Supervisor Petrone said.
The shelter at 423 Park Avenue, will open Wednesday, November 7 upon closing of the Walt Whitman shelter and will remain open as needed. Programming at the Senior Center will continue.
Town Hall Press Release
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