Petition Circulating Calling For The Resignation of Councilman Cuthbertson and a Federal Investigation

Filed under: Around Town,Building & Development,Crime,News,Politics |
cuthbertson3A petition which has been organized by the Greater Huntington Civic Group began to circulate Monday afternoon, October 6 in light of the allegations made in Newsday on October 4, 2014. The petition reads as follows:

Appealing for the Resignation of Mark Cuthbertson and a Federal Investigation 

In light of the recent allegations made on October 4, 2014 by Newsday in two articles headlined “The Insiders” and “Huntington Councilman Mark Cuthbertson didn’t disclose ties to Gary Melius”, we the people of the Town of Huntington are demanding the resignation of Councilman Mark Cuthbertson. This request is made due to the accusations that Cuthbertson has taken part in a scheme to use his political network to improperly collect receivership fees and expenses in part through the false filing of documentation with the courts. Furthermore he unethically and illegally failed to disclose personal and business relationships with Gary Melius (and others) while not recusing himself from votes regarding land use/zone changes for Melius and his businesses. We are also calling for a Federal Investigation into the allegations as well as a complete accounting and investigation into but not limited to:

Huntington Town Hall

Huntington Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)

Huntington Board of Ethics and Financial Disclosure

You can see the petition here.

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