Board Attends Annual Buddy Skate at Dix Hills Ice Rink

Filed under: Business,Dix Hills,Events,Hamlets,Heart of the Community,News |

Huntington Supervisor Chad A. Lupinacci and Town Council Members Mark Cuthbertson, Joan Cergol and Edmund J.M. Smyth attended the 13th Annual Buddy Skate at the Town’s Dix Hills Ice Rink January 14, 2018 commending the Long Island Rebels Youth Hockey Club for an event that pairs club participants with special needs students in a night of skating.

More than 100 students, siblings and families from the Genesis School for Autistic Children attended the event, which is part of the Rebels’ mission to promote quality and safe hockey instruction, sportsmanship, love of the game and community service. The event, which is organized by the Rebels’ Rich Righi and John Zerillo, is held with the support of the Dix Hills Hawks and the Long Island Lady Islanders. Suffolk County Legislator Susan A. Berland, who as a Town councilwoman was a regular at the event, also attended.

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