Deadline Approaches for Sports Swap Equipment Donation

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          Huntington Councilwoman Joan Cergol reminds residents that the deadline is approaching for contributing gently used sports equipment that will be part of the annual Sports Swap, scheduled for March 10 at the Dix Hills Ice Rink.

          Under the program, people who drop off gently used hockey, figure skating, baseball, lacrosse and soccer equipment receive a voucher for each item donated. Then, on March 10, they can come to the Ice Rink and redeem the vouchers for other equipment. Residents unable to donate equipment can still participate by donating $5 for each item purchased; all of the proceeds will be donated to charity.

          The deadline for dropping off equipment is March 9. The Sports Swap will take place from 2-4 p.m. March 10 at the rink, located at in Dix Hills Park on Vanderbilt Parkway.

          “Any parent who has a child, or children, active in sports has at some time commented about the expense of replacing equipment that their children grow out of, often before the equipment is hardly used,” said Councilwoman Cergol, who is sponsoring the event with the Huntington Youth Council. “The sports swap offers an opportunity for children to pass on lightly-used skates, gloves, sticks and other gear to those who need them and replace the equipment with ones that meet their current needs without breaking the budget.”

          Items can be dropped off any time between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., seven days a week.

          Anyone with questions can call 631-351-3173.

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